Geoffrey R Holmes
Geoffrey R Holmes
Research Associate, University of Sheffield, School of Health and Related Research
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Cited by
A zebrafish compound screen reveals modulation of neutrophil reverse migration as an anti-inflammatory mechanism
AL Robertson, GR Holmes, AN Bojarczuk, J Burgon, CA Loynes, ...
Science translational medicine 6 (225), 225ra29-225ra29, 2014
Prediction of landing gear loads using machine learning techniques
G Holmes, P Sartor, S Reed, P Southern, K Worden, E Cross
Structural Health Monitoring 15 (5), 568-582, 2016
On evolutionary system identification with applications to nonlinear benchmarks
K Worden, RJ Barthorpe, EJ Cross, N Dervilis, GR Holmes, G Manson, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 112, 194-232, 2018
Bridging the Age Gap in breast cancer: Impact of chemotherapy on quality of life in older women with early breast cancer
NML Battisti, MWR Reed, E Herbert, JL Morgan, KA Collins, SE Ward, ...
European Journal of Cancer 144, 269-280, 2021
Breast cancer surgery in older women: outcomes of the Bridging Age Gap in Breast Cancer study
JL Morgan, J George, G Holmes, C Martin, MWR Reed, S Ward, ...
Journal of British Surgery 107 (11), 1468-1479, 2020
On a grey box modelling framework for nonlinear system identification
TJ Rogers, GR Holmes, EJ Cross, K Worden
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 35th …, 2017
Repelled from the wound, or randomly dispersed? Reverse migration behaviour of neutrophils characterized by dynamic modelling
GR Holmes, SR Anderson, G Dixon, AL Robertson, CC Reyes-Aldasoro, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (77), 3229-3239, 2012
Bridging the age gap in breast cancer. Impacts of omission of breast cancer surgery in older women with oestrogen receptor positive early breast cancer. A risk stratified …
L Wyld, MWR Reed, J Morgan, K Collins, S Ward, GR Holmes, ...
European Journal of Cancer 142, 48-62, 2021
Omission of surgery in older women with early breast cancer has an adverse impact on breast cancer-specific survival
SE Ward, PD Richards, JL Morgan, GR Holmes, JW Broggio, K Collins, ...
Journal of British Surgery 105 (11), 1454-1463, 2018
Bridging The Age Gap: observational cohort study of effects of chemotherapy and trastuzumab on recurrence, survival and quality of life in older women with early breast cancer
A Ring, NML Battisti, MWR Reed, E Herbert, JL Morgan, M Bradburn, ...
British Journal of Cancer 125 (2), 209-219, 2021
Bridging the age gap in breast cancer: cluster randomized trial of two decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer on quality of life, survival …
L Wyld, MWR Reed, K Collins, M Burton, K Lifford, A Edwards, S Ward, ...
British Journal of Surgery 108 (5), 499-510, 2021
Drift‐diffusion analysis of neutrophil migration during inflammation resolution in a zebrafish model
GR Holmes, G Dixon, SR Anderson, CC Reyes-Aldasoro, PM Elks, ...
Advances in hematology 2012 (1), 792163, 2012
The Neutrophil's Eye-View: Inference and Visualisation of the Chemoattractant Field Driving Cell Chemotaxis In Vivo
V Kadirkamanathan, SR Anderson, SA Billings, X Zhang, GR Holmes, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e35182, 2012
Adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in older women: an analysis of retrospective English cancer registration data
SE Ward, GR Holmes, A Ring, PD Richards, JL Morgan, JW Broggio, ...
Clinical Oncology 31 (7), 444-452, 2019
Observational cohort study in older women with early breast cancer: use of radiation therapy and impact on health-related quality of life and mortality
NML Battisti, MQ Hatton, MWR Reed, E Herbert, JL Morgan, M Bradburn, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 161, 166-176, 2021
Bridging the age gap in breast cancer: impact of omission of breast cancer surgery in older women with oestrogen receptor-positive early breast cancer on quality-of-life outcomes
JL Morgan, A Shrestha, MWR Reed, E Herbert, M Bradburn, SJ Walters, ...
British Journal of Surgery 108 (3), 315-325, 2021
Bridging the Age Gap Trial Management Team
JL Morgan, J George, G Holmes, C Martin, MWR Reed, S Ward, ...
Breast cancer surgery in older women: outcomes of the Bridging Age Gap in …, 2020
Observational cohort study to determine the degree and causes of variation in the rate of surgery or primary endocrine therapy in older women with operable breast cancer
JL Morgan, G Holmes, S Ward, C Martin, M Burton, SJ Walters, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 47 (2), 261-268, 2021
A zebrafish compound screen reveals modulation of neutrophil reverse migration as an anti-inflammatory mechanism. Sci Transl Med. 2014; 6 (225): 225ra29
AL Robertson, GR Holmes, AN Bojarczuk, J Burgon, CA Loynes, ...
Epub 2014/02/28. PubMed PMID: 24574340, 0
Improving outcomes for women aged 70 years or above with early breast cancer: research programme including a cluster RCT
L Wyld, MWR Reed, K Collins, S Ward, G Holmes, J Morgan, M Bradburn, ...
Programme Grants for Applied Research 10, 2022
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Articles 1–20