Nasia Asiki
Nasia Asiki
Senior Researcher, CsLab, National Technical University of Athens
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене cslab.ece.ntua.gr
Distributing and searching concept hierarchies: an adaptive DHT-based system
A Asiki, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Cluster Computing 13 (3), 257-276, 2010
A grid middleware for data management exploiting peer-to-peer techniques
A Asiki, K Doka, I Konstantinou, A Zissimos, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (4), 426-435, 2009
Replica-aware, multi-dimensional range queries in Distributed Hash Tables
A Chazapis, A Asiki, G Tsoukalas, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Computer Communications 33 (8), 984-996, 2010
Improving virtual host efficiency through resource and interference aware scheduling
E Angelou, K Kaffes, A Asiki, G Goumas, N Koziris
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.07400, 2016
Support for Concept Hierarchies in DHTs
A Asiki, K Doka, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2008. P2P'08. Eighth International Conference on …, 2008
An adaptive online system for efficient processing of hierarchical data
A Asiki, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international symposium on High performance …, 2009
A distributed architecture for multi-dimensional indexing and data retrieval in grid environments
A Asiki, K Doka, I Konstantinou, A Zissimos, N Koziris
Proc. of Cracow 7, 2009
Online Querying of Concept Hierarchies in P2P Systems
K Doka, A Asiki, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008, 212-230, 2008
Προσαρμοστική διαχείριση και αναζήτηση δεδομένων ευρείας κλίμακας σε κατανεμημένα δυστήματα
ΑΧ Ασίκη, AC Asiki
A DHT-Based System for the Management of Loosely Structured, Multidimensional Data
A Asiki, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems VI, 134-166, 2012
User Adaptation in a Hybrid MT System
S Preuß, H Keffer, P Schmidt, G Goumas, A Asiki, I Konstantinou
Text, Speech and Dialogue, 362-369, 2012
LinkedPeers: a distributed system for interlinking multidimensional data
A Asiki, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 527-543, 2011
Gredia Middleware Architecture
I Konstantinou, K Doka, A Asiki, A Zissimos, N Koziris
NCA 2015 External Reviewers
A Asiki, A Bold, C Celes, P Di Sanzo, K Doka, FD Da Cunha, H Enzinger, ...
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