Konstantin Krutovsky
Konstantin Krutovsky
Professor of Forest Genetics and Genomics, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany
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Mixed-species versus monocultures in plantation forestry: Development, benefits, ecosystem services and perspectives for the future
CLC Liu, O Kuchma, KV Krutovsky
Global Ecology and Conservation 15 (e00419), 1-13, 2018
Forest‐tree population genomics and adaptive evolution
SC González‐Martínez, KV Krutovsky, DB Neale
New phytologist 170 (2), 227-238, 2006
Association Genetics of Coastal Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii, Pinaceae). I. Cold-Hardiness Related Traits
AJ Eckert, AD Bower, JL Wegrzyn, B Pande, KD Jermstad, KV Krutovsky, ...
Genetics 182 (4), 1289-1302, 2009
Nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium in cold-hardiness-and wood quality-related candidate genes in Douglas fir
KV Krutovsky, DB Neale
Genetics 171 (4), 2029-2041, 2005
RAPDs and allozymes exhibit similar levels of diversity and differentiation among populations and races of Douglas-fir
JE Aagaard, KV Krutovskii, SH Strauss
Heredity 81 (1), 69-78, 1998
Introgressive hybridization and phylogenetic relationships between Norway, Picea abies (L.) Karst., and Siberian, P. obovata Ledeb., spruce species studied by isozyme loci
KV Krutovskii, F Bergmann
Heredity 74 (5), 464, 1995
Comparative mapping in the Pinaceae
KV Krutovsky, M Troggio, GR Brown, KD Jermstad, DB Neale
Genetics 168 (1), 447-461, 2004
Nuclear DNA diversity, population differentiation, and phylogenetic relationships in the California closed-cone pines based on RAPD and allozyme markers
J Wu, KV Krutovskii, SH Strauss
Genome 42 (5), 893-908, 1999
Multilocus patterns of nucleotide diversity and divergence reveal positive selection at candidate genes related to cold hardiness in coastal Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii …
AJ Eckert, JL Wegrzyn, B Pande, KD Jermstad, JM Lee, JD Liechty, ...
Genetics 183 (1), 289-298, 2009
Structure and expression of duplicate AGAMOUS orthologues in poplar
AM Brunner, WH Rottmann, LA Sheppard, K Krutovskii, SP DiFazio, ...
Plant molecular biology 44, 619-634, 2000
Evolution of exon-intron structure and alternative splicing
TE Koralewski, KV Krutovsky
PloS one 6 (3), e18055, 2011
Abundant mitochondrial genome diversity, population differentiation and convergent evolution in pines
J Wu, KV Krutovskii, SH Strauss
Genetics 150 (4), 1605-1614, 1998
Landscape genomics: Understanding relationships between environmental heterogeneity and genomic characteristics of populations
N Balkenhol, RY Dudaniec, KV Krutovsky, JS Johnson, DM Cairns, ...
Population Genomics: Concepts, Approaches and Applications, 261-322, 2019
Organelle genomes in conifers: structure, evolution, and diversity
VD Hipkins, KV Krutovsky, S Strauss
Forest Genetics 1 (1), 179-189, 1994
RAPD genome maps of Douglas-fir
KV Krutovskii, SS Vollmer, FC Sorensen, WT Adams, SJ Knapp, ...
Journal of Heredity 89 (3), 197-205, 1998
Highly variable SSR markers in Douglas-fir: Mendelian inheritance and map locations
GT Slavov, GT Howe, I Yakovlev, KJ Edwards, KV Krutovskii, GA Tuskan, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108, 873-880, 2004
Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) mitochondrial genome assembled using both short and long nucleotide sequence reads is currently the largest known mitogenome
YA Putintseva, EI Bondar,, EP Simonov, VV Sharov, NV Oreshkova, ...
BMC Genomics 21 (654), 2020
An annotated genetic map of loblolly pine based on microsatellite and cDNA markers
CS Echt, S Saha, KV Krutovsky, K Wimalanathan, JE Erpelding, C Liang, ...
Bmc Genetics 12, 1-16, 2011
Self-citation can inflate h -index
L Zhivotovsky, K Krutovsky
Scientometrics 77 (2), 373-375, 2008
Mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling adaptive traits in coastal Douglas-fir. IV. Cold-hardiness QTL verification and candidate gene mapping
NC Wheeler, KD Jermstad, K Krutovsky, SN Aitken, GT Howe, ...
Molecular Breeding 15, 145-156, 2005
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Articles 1–20