Pedro Henrique R. Pereira
Pedro Henrique R. Pereira
Professor de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, UFMG
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене demet.ufmg.br
Using finite element modeling to examine the temperature distribution in quasi-constrained high-pressure torsion
RB Figueiredo, PHR Pereira, MTP Aguilar, PR Cetlin, TG Langdon
Acta Materialia 60 (6-7), 3190-3198, 2012
The fabrication of graphene-reinforced Al-based nanocomposites using high-pressure torsion
Y Huang, P Bazarnik, D Wan, D Luo, PHR Pereira, M Lewandowska, ...
Acta Materialia 164, 499-511, 2019
Effect of temperature rise on microstructural evolution during high-pressure torsion
K Edalati, Y Hashiguchi, PHR Pereira, Z Horita, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 714, 167-171, 2018
Influence of grain size on the flow properties of an Al-Mg-Sc alloy over seven orders of magnitude of strain rate
PHR Pereira, YC Wang, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 685, 367-376, 2017
Modeling the temperature rise in high-pressure torsion
PHR Pereira, RB Figueiredo, Y Huang, PR Cetlin, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 593, 185-188, 2014
Microstructural evolution and superplasticity in an Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy after processing by different SPD techniques
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 682, 577-585, 2017
The Effect of High‐Pressure Torsion on Microstructure, Hardness and Corrosion Behavior for Pure Magnesium and Different Magnesium Alloys
CLP Silva, RB Soares, PHR Pereira, RB Figueiredo, VFC Lins, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (3), 1801081, 2019
Development of a magnesium-alumina composite through cold consolidation of machining chips by high-pressure torsion
MM Castro, PHR Pereira, A Isaac, RB Figueiredo, TG Langdon
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780, 422-427, 2019
Cytotoxicity and Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys in Hank's Solution after Processing by High‐Pressure Torsion
DR Lopes, CLP Silva, RB Soares, PHR Pereira, AC Oliveira, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (8), 1900391, 2019
Effect of ECAP processing on microstructure evolution and dynamic compressive behavior at different temperatures in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy
MA Afifi, PHR Pereira, YC Wang, Y Wang, S Li, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 684, 617-625, 2017
Grain refinement and superplastic flow in a fully lamellar Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
W Zhang, H Ding, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 732, 398-405, 2018
Microstructure, texture, and superplasticity of a fine-grained Mg-Gd-Zr alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, AHW Ngan, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 6056-6069, 2016
Mechanical properties of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy processed by ECAP and heat treatments
MA Afifi, YC Wang, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, Y Wang, X Cheng, S Li, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 769, 631-639, 2018
Factors influencing superplasticity in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
H Shahmir, F Naghdi, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 718, 198-206, 2018
Exceptionally high strength and good ductility in an ultrafine-grained 316L steel processed by severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing
M El-Tahawy, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, H Park, H Choe, TG Langdon, ...
Materials Letters 214, 240-242, 2018
Characterization of precipitates in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy processed by ECAP and subsequent annealing
MA Afifi, YC Wang, PHR Pereira, Y Wang, S Li, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 146-156, 2018
Effect of heat treatments on the microstructures and tensile properties of an ultrafine-grained Al-Zn-Mg alloy processed by ECAP
MA Afifi, YC Wang, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, Y Wang, X Cheng, S Li, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 749, 567-574, 2018
A magnesium-aluminium composite produced by high-pressure torsion
MM Castro, S Sabbaghianrad, PHR Pereira, EM Mazzer, A Isaac, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804, 421-426, 2019
Determination of mechanical anisotropy of magnesium processed by ECAP
FSJ Poggiali, CLP Silva, PHR Pereira, RB Figueiredo, PR Cetlin
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 3 (4), 331-337, 2014
An examination of the elastic distortions of anvils in high-pressure torsion
PHR Pereira, RB Figueiredo, PR Cetlin, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 631, 201-208, 2015
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