Dr. Anand Joshi
Dr. Anand Joshi
Department of Earth Sciences, IITRoorkee
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене iitr.ernet.in
A simplified method for simulation of strong ground motion using finite rupture model of the earthquake source
A Joshi, S Midorikawa
Journal of seismology 8, 467-484, 2004
Use of acceleration spectra for determining the frequency-dependent attenuation coefficient and source parameters
A Joshi
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (6), 2165-2180, 2006
The simulation of ground motions using envelope summations
A Joshi, S Singh, K Giroti
pure and applied geophysics 158, 877-901, 2001
Modelling of active lineaments for predicting a possible earthquake scenario around Dehradun, Garhwal Himalaya, India
A Joshi, RC Patel
Tectonophysics 283 (1-4), 289-310, 1997
Near-field and far-field simulation of accelerograms of Sikkim earthquake of September 18, 2011 using modified semi-empirical approach
MLS A. Joshi, Pushpa Kumari, Sandeep Singh
Natural Hazards 64, 1029-1054, 2012
Near-field and far-field simulation of accelerograms of Sikkim earthquake of September 18, 2011 using modified semi-empirical approach
A Joshi, P Kumari, S Singh, ML Sharma
Natural Hazards 64, 1029-1054, 2012
Generation of synthetic accelerograms by modelling of rupture plane
A Joshi, B Kumar, A Sinvhal, H Sinvhal
ISET J Earthq Technol 36 (1), 43-60, 1999
A simplified technique for simulating wide-band strong ground motion for two recent Himalayan earthquakes
A Joshi
pure and applied geophysics 161, 1777-1805, 2004
Detailed Attenuation Study of Shear Waves in the Kumaon Himalaya, India, Using the Inversion of Strong‐Motion Data
P Kumar, A Joshi, Sandeep, A Kumar, RK Chadha
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 105 (4), 1836-1851, 2015
Modeling of strong motion generation areas of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake using modified semi-empirical technique
A Joshi, Sandeep, Kamal
Natural hazards 71, 587-609, 2014
A comparison of observed and predicted ground motions from the 2015 MW7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake
SE Hough, SS Martin, V Gahalaut, A Joshi, M Landes, R Bossu
Natural Hazards 84, 1661-1684, 2016
Strong motion envelope modelling of the source of the Chamoli earthquake of March 28, 1999 in the Garhwal Himalaya, India
A Joshi
Journal of seismology 5, 499-518, 2001
A strong motion model of the 2004 great Sumatra earthquake: simulation using a modified semi empirical method
A Joshi, P Kumari, ML Sharma, AK Ghosh, MK Agarwal, A Ravikiran
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 6 (04), 1250023, 2012
A deterministic approach for preparation of seismic hazard maps in North East India
A Joshi, K Mohan, RC Patel
Natural hazards 43, 129-146, 2007
Analysis of strong motion data of the Uttarkashi earthquake of 20th October 1991 and the Chamoli Earthquake of 28th March 1999 for determining the Q value and source parameters
A Joshi
ISET Jour. Earthquake Tech 43, 11-29, 2006
Determination of Q β(f) in Different Parts of Kumaon Himalaya from the Inversion of Spectral Acceleration Data
A Joshi, P Kumar, M Mohanty, AR Bansal, VP Dimri, RK Chadha
Pure and applied geophysics 169, 1821-1845, 2012
Modeling of strong motion generation area of the Uttarkashi earthquake using modified semiempirical approach
Sandeep, A Joshi, Kamal, P Kumar, P Kumari
Natural Hazards 73, 2041-2066, 2014
Simulation of accelerograms from simplified deterministic approach for the 23rd October 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu, Japan earthquake
A Joshi, K Mohan
Journal of seismology 12, 35-51, 2008
Seismic Hazard of the Uttarakhand Himalaya, India, From Deterministic Modeling of Possible Rupture Planes in the area
A Joshi, A Kumar, H Castanos, C Lomnitz
International Journal of Geophysics, 2013
Expected peak ground acceleration in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India region from a deterministic hazard model
A Joshi, K Mohan
Natural hazards 52, 299-317, 2010
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