J. Tyson Chatagnier
J. Tyson Chatagnier
Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston
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Cited by
The effect of trust in government on rallies’ round the flag
JT Chatagnier
Journal of Peace Research 49 (5), 631-645, 2012
From economic competition to military combat: Export similarity and international conflict
JT Chatagnier, KC Kavaklı
Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (7), 1510-1536, 2017
The internationalization of production and the politics of compliance in WTO disputes
AB Yildirim, J Tyson Chatagnier, A Poletti, D De Bièvre
The Review of international organizations 13, 49-75, 2018
The power to hurt and the effectiveness of international sanctions
KC Kavaklı, JT Chatagnier, E Hatipoğlu
The Journal of Politics 82 (3), 879-894, 2020
Are you doing your part? Veterans’ political attitudes and Heinlein’s conception of citizenship
JD Klingler, JT Chatagnier
Armed Forces & Society 40 (4), 673-695, 2014
The decision calculus of terrorist leaders
JT Chatagnier, A Mintz, Y Samban
Perspectives on Terrorism 6 (4/5), 125-144, 2012
The arc of modernization: economic structure, materialism, and the onset of civil conflict
JT Chatagnier, E Castelli
Political Science Research and Methods 7 (2), 233-252, 2019
Cooperation in the shadow of WTO law: why litigate when you can negotiate
A Poletti, D De Bièvre, JT Chatagnier
World Trade Review 14 (S1), S33-S58, 2015
BEING BIN LADEN: An Applied Decision Analysis procedure for analyzing and predicting terrorists decisions
A Mintz, JT Chatagnier, DJ Brulé
Root causes of suicide terrorism, 172-198, 2006
The globalization of production and the politics of dispute initiation at the World Trade Organization
AB Yildirim, A Poletti, JT Chatagnier, D De Bièvre
Global Policy 9, 38-48, 2018
Terrorist decision-making: A leader-centric approach
A Mintz, T Chatagnier, Y Samban
Routledge, 2019
A Modern Peace? Schumpeter, the Decline of Conflict, and the Investment–War Trade-Off
JT Chatagnier, E Castelli
Political Research Quarterly 69 (4), 852-864, 2016
Would you like to know more? Selection, socialization, and the political attitudes of military veterans
T Chatagnier, J Klingler
Selection, Socialization, and the Political Attitudes of Military Veterans …, 2016
Conflict bargaining as a signal to third parties
J Tyson Chatagnier
Journal of Theoretical Politics 27 (2), 237-268, 2015
Teaching the Enemy: The Empirical Implications of Bargaining under Observation
JT Chatagnier
Journal of Conflict Resolution 58 (6), 1033-1058, 2014
Would you like to know more? Selection, socialization, and the political attitudes of military veterans
JT Chatagnier, JD Klingler
Political Research Quarterly 76 (3), 1209-1223, 2023
Poliheuristic theory: a middle ground between rational and cognitive decision theories
A Mintz, JT Chatagnier
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2020
Does the WTO exacerbate international conflict?
JT Chatagnier, H Lim
Journal of Peace Research 58 (5), 1068-1082, 2021
Allegiance, Ability, and Achievement in the American Civil War: Commander Traits and Battlefield Military Effectiveness
JB Arnold, JT Chatagnier, GE Hollibaugh Jr
International Studies Quarterly 64 (1), 194-206, 2020
Civil war mediation and integration into global value chains
JT Chatagnier
International Interactions 45 (1), 198-214, 2019
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Articles 1–20