Rajesh Chandy
Rajesh Chandy
Professor of Marketing, London Business School
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Organizing for radical product innovation: The overlooked role of willingness to cannibalize
RK Chandy, GJ Tellis
Journal of marketing research 35 (4), 474-487, 1998
Consumer cocreation in new product development
WD Hoyer, R Chandy, M Dorotic, M Krafft, SS Singh
Journal of service research 13 (3), 283-296, 2010
The incumbent's curse? Incumbency, size, and radical product innovation
RK Chandy, GJ Tellis
Journal of marketing 64 (3), 1-17, 2000
Radical innovation across nations: The preeminence of corporate culture
GJ Tellis, JC Prabhu, RK Chandy
Journal of marketing 73 (1), 3-23, 2009
Sources and financial consequences of radical innovation: Insights from pharmaceuticals
AB Sorescu, RK Chandy, JC Prabhu
Journal of marketing 67 (4), 82-102, 2003
Managing the future: CEO attention and innovation outcomes
MS Yadav, JC Prabhu, RK Chandy
Journal of marketing 71 (4), 84-101, 2007
The impact of acquisitions on innovation: poison pill, placebo, or tonic?
JC Prabhu, RK Chandy, ME Ellis
Journal of Marketing 69 (1), 114-130, 2005
What to say when: Advertising appeals in evolving markets
RK Chandy, GJ Tellis, DJ MacInnis, P Thaivanich
Journal of marketing Research 38 (4), 399-414, 2001
The fruits of legitimacy: Why some new ventures gain more from innovation than others
RS Rao, RK Chandy, JC Prabhu
Journal of Marketing 72 (4), 58-75, 2008
When do chief marketing officers affect firm value? A customer power explanation
DE Boyd, RK Chandy, M Cunha Jr
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (6), 1162-1176, 2010
From invention to innovation: Conversion ability in product development
R Chandy, B Hopstaken, O Narasimhan, J Prabhu
Journal of Marketing Research 43 (3), 494-508, 2006
Better marketing for a better world
RK Chandy, GV Johar, C Moorman, JH Roberts
Journal of Marketing 85 (3), 1-9, 2021
In search of diversity: The record of major marketing journals
GJ Tellis, RK Chandy, DS Ackerman
Journal of Marketing Research 36 (1), 120-131, 1999
Employee-based brand equity: Why firms with strong brands pay their executives less
NT Tavassoli, A Sorescu, R Chandy
Journal of Marketing Research 51 (6), 676-690, 2014
What will the future bring? Dominance, technology expectations, and radical innovation
RK Chandy, JC Prabhu, KD Antia
Journal of Marketing 67 (3), 1-18, 2003
Competitive response to radical product innovations
K Aboulnasr, O Narasimhan, E Blair, R Chandy
Journal of marketing 72 (3), 94-110, 2008
Pathways to profits: The impact of marketing vs. finance skills on business performance
SJ Anderson, R Chandy, B Zia
Management Science 64 (12), 5559-5583, 2018
Which ad works, when, where, and how often? Modeling the effects of direct television advertising
GJ Tellis, RK Chandy, P Thaivanich
Journal of marketing research 37 (1), 32-46, 2000
Why some acquisitions do better than others: product capital as a driver of long-term stock returns
AB Sorescu, RK Chandy, JC Prabhu
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (1), 57-72, 2007
Indirect learning: how emerging-market firms grow in developed markets
S Banerjee, JC Prabhu, RK Chandy
Journal of Marketing 79 (1), 10-28, 2015
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Articles 1–20