Zhen Zhu
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Cited by
Fix It or Leave It? Customer Recovery from Self-Service Technology Failures.
Z Zhu, C Nakata, K Sivakumar, D Grewal
Journal of Retailing 89 (1), 15-29, 2013
Self-service Technology Effectiveness: The Role Design Features and Individual Traits
Z Zhu, C Nakata, K Sivakumar, D Grewal
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35 (4), 492-507, 2007
Reexamining the Link Between Customer Orientation And Business Performance: The Role of Information Systems.
Z Zhu, C Nakata
Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice 15 (3), 187-203, 2007
The Complex Contribution of Information Technology Capability to Business Performance.
C Nakata, Z Zhu, M Kraimer
Journal of Managerial Issues 20 (4), 485-506, 2008
A Mathematical Model of Service Failure and Recovery Strategy.
Z Zhu, K Sivakumar, A Parasuraman
Decision Sciences 35 (3), 493-525, 2004
Information Technology and Customer Orientation: A Study of Direct, Mediated, and Interactive Linkages.
C Nakata, Z Zhu
Journal of Marketing Management 23, 319-354, 2006
Integrating Marketing and Information Services Function: A Complementarity and Competence Perspective.
C Nakata, Z Zhu, E Izberk-Bilgin
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39 (5), 700-716, 2011
Sustainable innovation and the triple bottom-line: a market-based capabilities and stakeholder perspective
K Weidner, C Nakata, Z Zhu
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 29 (2), 141-161, 2021
Innovation Process and Outcomes for Large Japanese Firms: Roles of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Customer Equity.
K Matsuno, Z Zhu, MP Rice
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (5), 1106-1124, 2014
Entrepreneurial proclivity: its environmental conditions and growth consequences
Z Zhu, K Matsuno
Journal of Strategic Marketing 24 (1), 20-33, 2016
Service online search ads: from a consumer journey view
M Cheng, M Cheng, CK Anderson, CK Anderson, Z Zhu, Z Zhu, SC Choi, ...
Journal of Services Marketing,, 2017
Fix it or leave it
Z Zhu, C Nakata, K Sivakumar, D Grewal
Customer recovery from self-service technology failures, 2013
Sustainable innovation and the triple bottom-line: a market-based capabilities and stakeholder perspective
K Weidner, C Nakata, Z Zhu
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, DOI 10 (10696679.2020), 1798253, 2020
Service failure and recovery strategies: A review
Z Zhu, K Sivakumar
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 12, 203, 2001
Inter-firm trust between emerging markets: Chinese firms in Africa
EA Elliot, Z Zhu, FL Wang
Journal of Macromarketing 39 (3), 304-333, 2019
Fix it or leave it: Antecedents and consequences of perceived control in technology-based self-service failure encounters
Z Zhu
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002
Being lean: Conceptualizing and operationalizing the Lean Innovation Capability (LIC) of innovative companies
WHA Johnson, P Bicen, Z Zhu
Technovation 126, 102794, 2023
Building Mini-Categories in Product Networks.
D Zinoviev, Z Zhu, K Li
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2015
The effects of information technology and organizational trust on market orientation: a socio-technical and resource-based view
C Nakata, Z Zhu
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 12, 108, 2001
The Role of Lean Innovation Capability in Resource-Limited Innovation: Concept, Measurement, and Consequences: An Abstract
P Bicen, WHA Johnson, Z Zhu
Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers: Proceedings of the …, 2019
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Articles 1–20