Точные константы рациональных аппроксимаций аналитических функций АИ Аптекарев
Математический сборник 193 (1), 3-72, 2002
35 2002 On some matrix analogs of the little Fermat theorem AN Abyzov, II Mukhametgaliev
Mathematical Notes 101, 187-192, 2017
25 2017 Modules close to the automorphism-invariant and coinvariant TC Quynh, AN Abyzov, NTT Ha, T Yildirim
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 18 (12), 1950235, 2019
21 2019 Strongly q-nil-clean rings AN Abyzov
Siberian Mathematical Journal 60 (2), 197-208, 2019
18 2019 Кольца формальных матриц и их изоморфизмы АН Абызов, ДТ Тапкин
Сиб. матем. журн 56 (6), 1199-1214, 2015
18 2015 CS-Rickart modules AN Abyzov, THN Nhan
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 35, 317-326, 2014
18 2014 When is every matrix over a ring the sum of two tripotents? AN Abyzov, DT Tapkin
Linear Algebra and its Applications 630, 316-325, 2021
15 2021 Retractable and coretractable modules AN Abyzov, AA Tuganbaev
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 213, 132-142, 2016
15 2016 О некоторых классах колец формальных матриц АН Абызов, ДТ Тапкин
Известия высших учебных заведений. Математика, 3-14, 2015
15 2015 On some classes of semiartinian rings AN Abyzov
Siberian mathematical journal 53 (5), 763-771, 2012
15 2012 Dual automorphism-invariant modules over perfect rings AN Abyzov, TC Quynh, DD Tai
Siberian Mathematical Journal 58, 743-751, 2017
14 2017 Weakly regular modules over normal rings AN Abyzov
Siberian Mathematical Journal 49 (4), 575-586, 2008
14 2008 On rings with nilpotent AN Abyzov, DT Tapkin
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 21 (06), 2250111, 2022
13 2022 Formal matrix rings and their isomorphisms AN Abyzov, DT Tapkin
Sib. Math. J 56 (6), 955-967, 2015
13 2015 Rings all of whose finitely generated ideals are automorphism-invariant TC Quynh, AN Abyzov, DT Trang
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 21 (08), 2250159, 2022
12 2022 Слабо регулярные модули над нормальными кольцами АН Абызов
Сибирский математический журнал 49 (4), 721-738, 2008
12 2008 Modules in which sums or intersections of two direct summands are direct summands AN Abyzov, AA Tuganbaev
Fundam. Prikl. Mat 19 (2), 3-11, 2014
11 2014 Weakly regular modules. AN Abyzov
Russian Mathematics-New York 48 (3), 1-3, 2004
11 2004 On certain classes of rings of formal matrices AN Abyzov, DT Tapkin
Russian Mathematics 59, 1-12, 2015
10 2015 Слабо регулярные модули над полусовершенными кольцами АН Абызов
Чебышёвский сб 4 (1), 4-9, 2003
10 2003