Onkar Dalal
Cited by
Cited by
Lasso regression: estimation and shrinkage via the limit of Gibbs sampling
B Rajaratnam, S Roberts, D Sparks, O Dalal
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2016
Sparse Gaussian graphical model estimation via alternating minimization
O Dalal, B Rajaratnam
Biometrika 104 (2), 379-395, 2017
Multi-objective ranking of comments on web
O Dalal, SH Sengemedu, S Sanyal
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, 419-428, 2012
Optimization methods for sparse pseudo-likelihood graphical model selection
S Oh, O Dalal, K Khare, B Rajaratnam
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 2014
Multistability of signal transduction motifs
J Saez-Rodriguez, A Hammerle-Fickinger, O Dalal, S Klamt, ED Gilles, ...
IET Systems Biology 2 (2), 80-93, 2008
Lambda learner: Fast incremental learning on data streams
R Ramanath, K Salomatin, JD Gee, K Talanine, O Dalal, G Polatkan, ...
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data …, 2021
A Study of Meme Propagation: Statistics, Rates, Authorities, and Spread
O Dalal, D Mahajan, I Segall, M Vishvanath
Stanford University, 2009
Existence of Positive Steady States for Mass Conserving and Mass-Action Chemical Reaction Networks with a Single Terminal-Linkage Class
RMT Fleming, S Akle, O Dalal, M Saunders, N Taheri, Y Ye
arXiv preprint arXiv: 1105.2359, 2013
Optimization Methods for Regularized High Dimensional Graphical Model Selection
OA Dalal
Stanford University, 2013
Supplementary information to: On the multistability of signal transduction motifs
J Saez-Rodriguez, A Hammerle-Fickinger, O Dalal, S Klamt, ED Gilles, ...
CS 341: Halloween Costume Predictions using Twitter
A Venkatesh, O Dalal, P Bommannavar
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Articles 1–11