Kolodiy Igor
Kolodiy Igor
National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology", Kharkiv, Ukraine
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kipt.kharkov.ua
Effect of Mn and V on structure and mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys based on CoCrFeNi system
GA Salishchev, MA Tikhonovsky, DG Shaysultanov, ND Stepanov, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 591, 11-21, 2014
Irradiation resistance of vacuum arc chromium coatings for zirconium alloy fuel claddings
AS Kuprin, VA Belous, VN Voyevodin, RL Vasilenko, VD Ovcharenko, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 510, 163-167, 2018
Deposition of chromium nitride coatings using vacuum arc plasma in increased negative substrate bias voltage
VD Ovcharenko, AS Kuprin, GN Tolmachova, IV Kolodiy, A Gilewicz, ...
Vacuum 117, 27-34, 2015
Structure of CrON coatings formed in vacuum arc plasma fluxes
B Warcholinski, A Gilewicz, O Lupicka, AS Kuprin, GN Tolmachova, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 309, 920-930, 2017
Вакуумно-дуговые хромовые покрытия для защиты сплава Zr-1Nb от высокотемпературного окисления на воздухе
АС Куприн, ВА Белоус, ВВ Брык, РЛ Василенко, ВН Воеводин, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 111-118, 2015
Effect of irradiation on microstructure and hardening of Cr–Fe–Ni–Mn high-entropy alloy and its strengthened version
VN Voyevodin, SA Karpov, GD Tolstolutskaya, MA Tikhonovsky, ...
Philosophical Magazine 100 (7), 822-836, 2020
Structural, mechanical and tribological properties of Cr-VN coatings deposited by cathodic arc evaporation
AS Kuprin, VD Ovcharenko, A Gilewicz, GN Tolmachova, IV Kolodiy, ...
Tribology International 165, 107246, 2022
Structure and properties of CrN coatings formed using cathodic arc evaporation in stationary system
B Warcholinski, A Gilewicz, AS Kuprin, IV Kolodiy
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 29 (4), 799-810, 2019
Structure and properties of austenitic ODS steel 08Cr18Ni10Ti
AN Velikodnyi, VN Voyevodin, MA Tiкhonovsky, VV Bryk, AS Kalchenko, ...
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 94-102, 2014
Structure and mechanical properties of ZrN coatings formed by deposition of vacuum arc plasma fluxes
VM Khoroshikh, SA Leonov, VA Belous, RL Vasilenko, IV Kolodiy, ...
Phys. Surf. Eng 12 (1), 110-116, 2014
Impact of nano-oxides and injected gas on swelling and hardening of 18Cr10NiTi stainless steel during ion irradiation
AN Velikodnyi, VN Voyevodin, AS Kalchenko, SA Karpov, IV Kolodiy, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 565, 153666, 2022
The magnetic properties of the LaCr3 (BO3) 4 crystal
AN Bludov, YO Savina, VA Pashchenko, SL Gnatchenko, IV Kolodiy, ...
Low Temperature Physics 46 (6), 643-645, 2020
A new approach to thermo-mechanical treatment of steel T91 by multiple upsetting-extrusion in a ferritic range
VN Voyevodin, MA Tikhonovsky, HY Rostova, AS Kalchenko, IV Kolodiy, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 822, 141686, 2021
Magnetic properties of DyCr3 (BO3) 4
AN Bludov, YO Savina, VA Pashchenko, SL Gnatchenko, T Zajarniuk, ...
Low Temperature Physics 46 (7), 697-703, 2020
Effect of nitrogen pressure and substrate bias voltage on structure and mechanical properties of vacuum arc deposited VN coatings
AS Kuprin, A Gilewicz, GN Tolmachova, IO Klimenko, IV Kolodiy, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 54 (11), 4438-4455, 2023
Optimisation of properties of silicon carbide ceramics with the use of different additives
LT K. Lobach, Y. Kupriiyanova, I. Kolodiy, S. Sayenko, V. Shkuropatenko, V ...
Functional Materials 25 (3), 496-504, 2018
Температурная зависимость акустических и механических свойств литого и отожжённого высокоэнтропийного сплава Al₀, ₅CoCuCrNiFe
ЮА Семеренко, ЕД Табачникова, ТМ Тихоновская, ИВ Колодий, ...
Металлофизика и новейшие технологии 37 (11), 1001-1012, 2015
Structure and low-temperature micromechanical properties of as-cast and SPD-processed high-entropy Co25− xCr25Fe25Ni25Cx alloys
AV Levenets, HV Rusakova, LS Fomenko, Y Huang, IV Kolodiy, ...
Low Temperature Physics 48 (7), 560-569, 2022
Research and development of novel materials for Accident Tolerant Fuel cladding of nuclear reactors
KV Lobach, OS Kuprin, SY Sayenko, VM Voyevodin, IV Kolodiy
East European Journal of Physics, 75-83, 2020
Coating Deposition by Ion-plasma Sputtering of MAX Phase Ti2AlC Target
AS Kuprin, TA Prikhna, EN Reshetnyak, MA Bortnitskaya, IV Kolodiy, ...
Sumy State University, 2020
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