Nazli Baydar
Nazli Baydar
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Cultural and contextual influences in mental health help seeking: a focus on ethnic minority youth.
AM Cauce, M Domenech-Rodríguez, M Paradise, BN Cochran, JM Shea, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (1), 44, 2002
Effects of maternal employment and child-care arrangements on preschoolers' cognitive and behavioral outcomes: Evidence from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of …
N Baydar, J Brooks-Gunn
Developmental psychology 27 (6), 932, 1991
The role of mental health factors and program engagement in the effectiveness of a preventive parenting program for Head Start mothers
N Baydar, MJ Reid, C Webster‐Stratton
Child development 74 (5), 1433-1453, 2003
Early warning signs of functional illiteracy: Predictors in childhood and adolescence
N Baydar, J Brooks‐Gunn, FF Furstenberg
Child development 64 (3), 815-829, 1993
Halting the development of conduct problems in Head Start children: The effects of parent training
MJ Reid, C Webster-Stratton, N Baydar
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33 (2), 279-291, 2004
Help-seeking pathways for children and adolescents
D Srebnik, AM Cauce, N Baydar
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 4 (4), 210-220, 1996
Profiles of grandmothers who help care for their grandchildren in the United States
N Baydar, J Brooks-Gunn
Family relations, 385-393, 1998
Breastfeeding attitudes and reported problems in a national sample of WIC participants
MF McCann, N Baydar, RL Williams
Journal of Human Lactation 23 (4), 314-324, 2007
Continuing effects of early enrichment in adult life: The Turkish Early Enrichment Project 22 years later
C Kagitcibasi, D Sunar, S Bekman, N Baydar, Z Cemalcilar
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 30 (6), 764-779, 2009
Consequences for children of their birth planning status
N Baydar
Family planning perspectives, 228-245, 1995
A longitudinal study of the effects of the birth of a sibling during the first 6 years of life
N Baydar, A Greek, J Brooks-Gunn
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 939-956, 1997
Effects of parental separation and reentry into union on the emotional well-being of children
N Baydar
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 967-981, 1988
A longitudinal study of the effects of the birth of a sibling during preschool and early grade school years
N Baydar, P Hyle, J Brooks-Gunn
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 957-965, 1997
Transmission of risk preferences from mothers to daughters
S Alan, N Baydar, T Boneva, TF Crossley, S Ertac
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 134, 60-77, 2017
The creation of interpersonal contexts: Homophily in dyadic relationships in adolescence and young adulthood.
DB Kandel, M Davies, N Baydar
Cambridge University Press, 1990
“It takes a village” to support the vocabulary development of children with multiple risk factors.
N Baydar, AC Küntay, B Yagmurlu, N Aydemir, D Cankaya, F Göksen, ...
Developmental Psychology 50 (4), 1014, 2014
Parental control is not unconditionally detrimental for externalizing behaviors in early childhood
B Akcinar, N Baydar
International Journal of Behavioral Development 38 (2), 118-127, 2014
Effects of an educational television program on preschoolers: Variability in benefits
N Baydar, Ç Kağitçibaşi, AC Küntay, F Gökşen
Journal of applied developmental psychology 29 (5), 349-360, 2008
The dynamics of child support and its consequences for children
N Baydar, J Brooks-Gunn
Child support and child well-being, 257-284, 1994
Continuing effects of early enrichment in adult life: The Turkish Early Enrichment Project 22 years later
Ç Kağıtçıbaşı, D Sunar, S Bekman, N Baydar, Z Cemalcılar
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 30 (6), 764-779, 2009
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