Andrey Krylov
Andrey Krylov
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
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3D CNN-based classification using sMRI and MD-DTI images for Alzheimer disease studies
A Khvostikov, K Aderghal, J Benois-Pineau, A Krylov, G Catheline
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.05968, 2018
Classification of Alzheimer disease on imaging modalities with deep CNNs using cross-modal transfer learning
K Aderghal, A Khvostikov, A Krylov, J Benois-Pineau, K Afdel, G Catheline
2018 IEEE 31st international symposium on computer-based medical systems …, 2018
Efficient sampling strategy and refinement strategy for randomized circle detection
KL Chung, YH Huang, SM Shen, AS Krylov, DV Yurin, EV Semeikina
Pattern recognition 45 (1), 252-263, 2012
3D IoU-Net: IoU guided 3D object detector for point clouds
J Li, S Luo, Z Zhu, H Dai, AS Krylov, Y Ding, L Shao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.04962, 2020
Image interpolation by super-resolution
A Lukin, AS Krylov, A Nasonov
Proceedings of GraphiCon 2006 (Citeseer), 239-242, 2006
Fast Hermite projection method
A Krylov, D Korchagin
International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition, 329-338, 2006
No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment using convolutional neural network for adaptive feature extraction
Y Ding, R Deng, X Xie, X Xu, Y Zhao, X Chen, AS Krylov
IEEE Access 6, 37595-37603, 2018
Software package for determination of surface tension of liquid metals
AS Krylov, AV Vvedensky, AM Katsnelson, AE Tugovikov
Journal of non-crystalline solids 156, 845-848, 1993
3D inception-based CNN with sMRI and MD-DTI data fusion for Alzheimer's disease diagnostics
A Khvostikov, K Aderghal, A Krylov, G Catheline, J Benois-Pineau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.03972, 2018
Two-dimensional Hermite S-method for high-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging applications
S Stanković, I Orović, A Krylov
IET Signal Processing 4 (4), 352-362, 2010
Thermodynamics of liquid Al–Ni alloys
KV Grigorovitch, AS Krylov
Thermochimica acta 314 (1-2), 255-263, 1998
Projection filtering in image processing
DN Kortchagine, AS Krylov
Proc. of the Int. Conf. Graphicon, 42-45, 2000
Video Frames Reconstruction Based on Time-Frequency Analysis and Hermite Projection Method
S Srdjan, O Irena, K Andrey
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 2010
Scale-space method of image ringing estimation
AV Nasonov, AS Krylov
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2793-2796, 2009
P2V-RCNN: Point to voxel feature learning for 3D object detection from point clouds
J Li, Y Sun, S Luo, Z Zhu, H Dai, AS Krylov, Y Ding, L Shao
IEEE Access 9, 98249-98260, 2021
Deblurred images post-processing by Poisson warping
A Nasonova, A Krylov
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (4), 417-420, 2015
Fast super-resolution using weighted median filtering
AV Nasonov, AS Krylov
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2230-2233, 2010
Learning local quality-aware structures of salient regions for stereoscopic images via deep neural networks
G Sun, B Shi, X Chen, AS Krylov, Y Ding
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (11), 2938-2949, 2020
Adaptive image deringing
AV Nasonov, AS Krylov
Proceedings of GraphiCon 2009, 151-154, 2009
Gauss-laguerre keypoints extraction using fast hermite projection method
DV Sorokin, MM Mizotin, AS Krylov
Image Analysis and Recognition: 8th International Conference, ICIAR 2011 …, 2011
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