Anne Marie Treguier
Anne Marie Treguier
CNRS, Laboratoire d'océanographie physique et spatiale, IUEM, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
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Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in a global ocean circulation model at eddy-permitting resolution
B Bernard, G Madec, T Penduff, JM Molines, AM Treguier, J Le Sommer, ...
Ocean Dynamics 56 (5), 543-567, 2006
Technical summary
PA Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, RG Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Coordinated ocean-ice reference experiments (COREs)
SM Griffies, A Biastoch, C Böning, F Bryan, G Danabasoglu, ...
Ocean modelling 26 (1-2), 1-46, 2009
Climate Change 2021: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; technical summary
P Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, R Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Developments in ocean climate modelling
SM Griffies, C Böning, FO Bryan, EP Chassignet, R Gerdes, H Hasumi, ...
Ocean Modelling 2 (3-4), 123-192, 2000
North Atlantic simulations in coordinated ocean-ice reference experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: mean states
G Danabasoglu, SG Yeager, D Bailey, E Behrens, M Bentsen, D Bi, ...
Ocean Modelling 73, 76-107, 2014
Impact of sub-mesoscale physics on production and subduction of phytoplankton in an oligotrophic regime
M Lévy, P Klein, AM Treguier
An ERA40-based atmospheric forcing for global ocean circulation models
L Brodeau, B Barnier, AM Treguier, T Penduff, S Gulev
Ocean Modelling 31 (3-4), 88-104, 2010
Framing, Context, and Methods (Chapter 1)
D Chen, M Rojas, BH Samset, K Cobb, A Diongue Niang, P Edwards, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Parameterization of quasigeostrophic eddies in primitive equation ocean models
AM Tréguier, IM Held, VD Larichev
Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (4), 567-580, 1997
Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models
B Fox-Kemper, A Adcroft, CW Böning, EP Chassignet, E Curchitser, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 65, 2019
OMIP contribution to CMIP6: Experimental and diagnostic protocol for the physical component of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project
SM Griffies, G Danabasoglu, PJ Durack, AJ Adcroft, V Balaji, CW Böning, ...
Geoscientific Model Development, 3231, 2016
The North Atlantic subpolar gyre in four high-resolution models
AM Tréguier, S Theetten, EP Chassignet, T Penduff, R Smith, L Talley, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 35 (5), 757-774, 2005
Eddy-permitting ocean circulation hindcasts of past decades
B Barnier, L Brodeau, J Le Sommer, JM Molines, T Penduff, S Theetten, ...
Clivar Exchanges 42 (12 (3)), 8-10, 2007
Modifications of gyre circulation by sub-mesoscale physics
M Lévy, P Klein, AM Tréguier, D Iovino, G Madec, S Masson, K Takahashi
Ocean Modelling 34 (1-2), 1-15, 2010
Large-scale impacts of submesoscale dynamics on phytoplankton: Local and remote effects
M Lévy, D Iovino, L Resplandy, P Klein, G Madec, AM Tréguier, S Masson, ...
Ocean Modelling 43, 77-93, 2012
Detection of coherent oceanic structures via transfer operators
G Froyland, K Padberg, MH England, AM Treguier
Physical review letters 98 (22), 224503, 2007
Sea level expression of intrinsic and forced ocean variabilities at interannual time scales
T Penduff, M Juza, B Barnier, J Zika, WK Dewar, AM Treguier, JM Molines, ...
Journal of Climate 24 (21), 5652-5670, 2011
Topographic influences on wind-driven, stratified flow in a β-plane channel: An idealized model for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
AM Tréguier, JC McWilliams
Journal of Physical Oceanography 20 (3), 321-343, 1990
An eddy‐permitting model of the Atlantic circulation: Evaluating open boundary conditions
AM Tréguier, B Barnier, AP De Miranda, JM Molines, N Grima, M Imbard, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C10), 22115-22129, 2001
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Articles 1–20