Татьяна Михайлова
Татьяна Михайлова
Ботанический институт им. В. Л. Комарова Российской академии наук
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Field guide of marine macroalgae (Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyceae) of Kuwait
FY Al-Yamani, I Polikarpov, A Al-Ghunaim, T Mikhaylova
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 2014
The initial stages of experimental forming of Laminaria communities in the White Sea
TA Mikhaylova
Botanicheskii Zhurnal (St. Petersburg) 84 (3), 56-66, 1999
Checklist of Rhodophyta of the White Sea (the Arctic Ocean)
TA Mikhaylova
Botanica Marina 60 (1), 55-65, 2017
Seaweeds in the vicinity of Marine Biological Station of St. Petersburg State University
N Smirnova, T Mikhaylova
Biological Communications, 12–22-12–22, 2013
Structure and interannual dynamics of Laminaria phytocoenosis in the White Sea
TA Mikhaylova
Bot. Zhurn 85 (5), 78-88, 2000
Vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, lichens, fungi and slime molds needed in regional conservation measures in the Leningrad Region.
DV Geltman, DE Himelbrant, GY Konechnaya, VM Kotkova, ...
Macroepiphytes of Laminaria hyperborea (Laminariaceae) in the Barents and the White Seas.
TA Mikhaylova, VA Shtrik
Type and authentic specimens in algal herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). II
TA Mikhaylova, IV Sokolova
Ботанический журнал 105 (11), 1114-1126, 2020
Diversity and structure of epibenthic communities of the red algae zone in the White Sea
TA Mikhaylova, DA Aristov, AD Naumov, SS Malavenda, ON Savchenko, ...
Polar Biology 42, 953-968, 2019
Vegetation of the red algal belt of the White Sea (European Arctic, Russia)
TA Mikhaylova
Nov. Sist. Nizshikh Rastenii 53, 39-65, 2019
Морские водоросли—макрофиты, обитающие в районе морской биологической станции СПбГУ
НР Смирнова, ТА Михайлова
Biological Communications, 12-22, 2013
Stages of formation of laminarian communities on introduced substrate (White Sea)
TA Mikhaylova
Bot. Z 91, 1816-1834, 2006
Видовой состав водорослей на коллекторах для выращивания мидий в Белом море
ТА Михайлова, СС Малавенда, ВВ Халаман
Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета 17 (1), 157-164, 2014
Laminaria hyperborea (Laminariaceae) association on the Murman coast of the Barents Sea.
TA Mikhaylova
Balance between biological and physical components in the impact of Mytilus edulis on associated organisms
VV Khalaman, NS Golubovskaya, AY Komendantov, SS Malavenda, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 674, 15-35, 2021
A comprehensive bibliography, updated checklist, and distribution patterns of Rhodophyta from the Barents Sea (the Arctic Ocean)
TA Mikhaylova
Botanica Marina 64 (3), 211-220, 2021
Species diversity of seaweeds in different areas of the Barents Sea
SV Malavenda, EV Shoshina, VI Kapkov
Polar Research, 40, 2021
Species composition and structure of macrophytobenthos in the lower part of the photic zone of the Kolvitsa Inlet (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea)
TA Mikhaylova, AD Naumov, DA Aristov
News Syst Lower Plants 51, 121-132, 2017
Laminaria hyperborea (Laminariaceae) on the Murman coast of the Barents Sea.
TA Mikhaylova
Развитие ламинариевых фитоценозов на внесенном каменистом субстрате в Белом море
ТА Михайлова
Ботан. ин-т им. ВЛ Комарова РАН, 2000
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Articles 1–20