Yogesh Joshi
Yogesh Joshi
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New product diffusion with influentials and imitators
C Van den Bulte, YV Joshi
Marketing science 26 (3), 400-421, 2007
Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice
N Arora, X Dreze, A Ghose, JD Hess, R Iyengar, B Jing, Y Joshi, V Kumar, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 305-321, 2008
Information visibility and its effect on supply chain dynamics
YV Joshi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000
A theory of combative advertising
Y Chen, YV Joshi, JS Raju, ZJ Zhang
Marketing Science 28 (1), 1-19, 2009
Harvesting brand information from social tags
H Nam, YV Joshi, PK Kannan
Journal of Marketing 81 (4), 88-108, 2017
Research Note—How Much Should You Invest in Each Customer Relationship? A Competitive Strategic Approach
A Musalem, YV Joshi
Marketing Science 28 (3), 555-565, 2009
Optimal entry timing in markets with social influence
YV Joshi, DJ Reibstein, ZJ Zhang
Management Science 55 (6), 926-939, 2009
Improving prelaunch diffusion forecasts: Using synthetic networks as simulated priors
M Trusov, W Rand, YV Joshi
Journal of Marketing Research 50 (6), 675-690, 2013
Linking marketing metrics to financial performance
RK Srivastava, DJ Reibstein, YV Joshi
technical paper, Zyman Institute of Brand Science, 2006
Turf wars: Product line strategies in competitive markets
YV Joshi, DJ Reibstein, ZJ Zhang
Marketing Science 35 (1), 128-141, 2016
When consumers learn, money burns: Signaling quality via advertising with observational learning and word of mouth
YV Joshi, A Musalem
Marketing Science 40 (1), 168-188, 2021
Tool selection in three-axis rough machining
M Balasubramaniam, Y Joshi, D Engels, S Sarma, Z Shaikh
International Journal of Production Research 39 (18), 4215-4238, 2001
Identity signaling with social capital: A model of symbolic consumption
JA Berger, B Ho, YV Joshi
Available at SSRN 1828848, 2011
Marketing dashboards: a decision support system for assessing marketing productivity
D Reibstein, D Norton, Y Joshi, P Farris
presentation at the Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2005
Automatic crowdsourcing-based classification of marketing messaging on twitter
R Machedon, W Rand, Y Joshi
2013 International Conference on Social Computing, 975-978, 2013
Lockdowns lose one third of their impact on mobility in a month
YV Joshi, A Musalem
Endogenous consumption and metered paywalls
C Wang, B Zhou, YV Joshi
Marketing Science 43 (1), 158-177, 2024
The freedom of constraint: How perceptions of time limitations alleviate guilt from two-phase indulgent consumption
T Matherly, AP Ghosh, YV Joshi
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 4 (2), 147-159, 2019
Underpromising and overdelivering: Strategic implications of word of mouth
YV Joshi, A Musalem
Robert H. Smith School Research Paper No. RHS-06-142, 2012
Co-investment network dynamics in crowdfunded ventures
A Ordanini, M Trusov, PK Kannan, YV Joshi, L Wang
Robert H. Smith School Research Paper No. RHS 2657674, 2015
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