Measuring academic proficiency under the No Child Left Behind Act: Implications for educational equity JS Kim, GL Sunderman Educational researcher 34 (8), 3-13, 2005 | 575 | 2005 |
NCLB meets school realities: Lessons from the field GL Sunderman, JS Kim, G Orfield Corwin Press, 2005 | 445 | 2005 |
Predictable failure of federal sanctions-driven accountability for school improvement—and why we may retain it anyway H Mintrop, GL Sunderman Educational researcher 38 (5), 353-364, 2009 | 433 | 2009 |
Listening to teachers: Classroom realities and no child left behind GL Sunderman, CA Tracey, J Kim, G Orfield | 240 | 2004 |
The expansion of federal power and the politics of implementing the No Child Left Behind Act GL Sunderman, JS Kim Teachers College Record 109 (5), 1057-1085, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
The unraveling of No Child Left Behind G Sunderman, G Orfield | 122 | 2006 |
Domesticating a revolution: No Child Left Behind reforms and state administrative response G Sunderman, G Orfield Harvard Educational Review 76 (4), 526-556, 2006 | 118 | 2006 |
Holding NCLB accountable: Achieving accountability, equity, & school reform GL Sunderman Corwin Press, 2008 | 106 | 2008 |
Education accountability as a presidential priority: No Child Left Behind and the Bush presidency K Wong, G Sunderman Publius: The Journal of Federalism 37 (3), 333-350, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
Does NCLB Provide Good Choices for Students in Low-Performing Schools? J Kim, GL Sunderman | 89 | 2004 |
Large mandates and limited resources: State response to the No Child Left Behind Act and implications for accountability J Kim, GL Sunderman | 83 | 2004 |
Evidence of the impact of school reform on systems governance and educational bureaucracies in the United States GL Sunderman Review of Research in Education 34 (1), 226-253, 2010 | 82 | 2010 |
School accountability under NCLB: Aid or obstacle for measuring racial equity? A Owens, GL Sunderman | 74 | 2006 |
Do supplemental educational services increase opportunities for minority students? GL Sunderman Phi Delta Kappan 88 (2), 117-122, 2006 | 69 | 2006 |
Increasing Bureaucracy or Increasing Opportunities? School District Experience with Supplemental Educational Service GL Sunderman, J Kim | 67 | 2007 |
Do states have the capacity to meet the NCLB mandates? GL Sunderman, G Orfield Phi Delta Kappan 89 (2), 137-139, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Expansion of federal power in American education: Federal-state relationships under the No Child Left Behind Act, year one GL Sunderman, J Kim, G Orfield | 61 | 2004 |
Teacher quality: Equalizing educational opportunities and outcomes GL Sunderman, J Kim | 56 | 2005 |
Does Closing Schools Cause Educational Harm? A Review of the Research. Information Brief. GL Sunderman, A Payne Mid-Atlantic Equity Center, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
Limited English proficient students: Increased accountability under NCLB L Batt, J Kim, G Sunderman | 55* | 2005 |