Prof. Haitao Ye
Prof. Haitao Ye
Chair in Materials Engineering, University of Leicester, UK
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Cited by
Unfolding grain size effects in barium titanate ferroelectric ceramics
Y Tan, J Zhang, Y Wu, C Wang, V Koval, B Shi, H Ye, R McKinnon, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9953, 2015
Three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene supported molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles as an advanced catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
H Dong, C Liu, H Ye, L Hu, B Fugetsu, W Dai, Y Cao, X Qi, H Lu, X Zhang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17542, 2015
2 W/mm output power density at 1 GHz for diamond FETs
M Kasu, K Ueda, H Ye, Y Yamauchi, S Sasaki, T Makimoto
Electron. Lett 41 (22), 1249-1250, 2005
Aluminium hydroxide stabilised MnFe2O4 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles as dual-modality contrasts agent for MRI and PET imaging
X Cui, S Belo, D Krüger, Y Yan, RTM de Rosales, M Jauregui-Osoro, H Ye, ...
Biomaterials 35 (22), 5840-5846, 2014
High RF output power for H-terminated diamond FETs
M Kasu, K Ueda, H Ye, Y Yamauchi, S Sasaki, T Makimoto
Diamond and Related Materials 15 (4-8), 783-786, 2006
Spectroscopic impedance study of nanocrystalline diamond films
H Ye, RB Jackman, P Hing
Journal of applied physics 94 (12), 7878-7882, 2003
Carbon nanowalls grown by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition during the carbonization of polyacrylonitrile fibers
J Li, S Su, L Zhou, V Kundrát, AM Abbot, F Mushtaq, D Ouyang, D James, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2), 024313-024313-6, 2013
Preferential oxidation of diamond {111}
CQ Sun, H Xie, W Zhang, H Ye, P Hing
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (17), 2196, 2000
Recent advances, design guidelines, and prospects of flexible organic/inorganic thermoelectric composites
Q Jiang, J Yang, P Hing, H Ye
Materials Advances 1 (5), 1038-1054, 2020
Diamond with Nitrogen: States, Control and Applications
Y Zheng, C Li, J Liu, J Wei, H Ye
Functional Diamond, 63-82, 2021
Subsurface cleavage of diamond after high-speed three-dimensional dynamic friction polishing
Y Zheng, H Ye, R Thornton, T Knott, TJ Ochalski, J Wang, J Liu, J Wei, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 101, 107600, 2020
Femtosecond laser-induced microstructures on diamond for microfluidic sensing device applications
S Su, J Li, GCB Lee, K Sugden, D Webb, H Ye
Applied physics letters 102 (23), 2013
Piezoelectric and dielectric properties of Ce substituted La2Ti2O7 ceramics
ZP Gao, HX Yan, HP Ning, R Wilson, XY Wei, B Shi, H Ye, MJ Reece
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (5), 1001-1008, 2013
Dielectric transition of nanostructured diamond films
H Ye, CQ Sun, H Huang, P Hing
Applied Physics Letters 78 (13), 1826-1828, 2001
The Effect of Barium Substitution on the Ferroelectric Properties of Sr2Nb2O7 Ceramics
Z Gao, H Ning, C Chen, R Wilson, B Shi, H Ye, H Yan, MJ Reece
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (4), 1163-1170, 2013
Control of grain size and size effect on the dielectric constant of diamond films
H Ye, CQ Sun, P Hing
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (23), L148, 2000
Titanium dioxide engineered for near-dispersionless high terahertz permittivity and ultra-low-loss
C Yu, Y Zeng, B Yang, R Donnan, J Huang, Z Xiong, A Mahajan, B Shi, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6639, 2017
Temperature dependent DC and RF performance of diamond MESFET
H Ye, M Kasu, K Ueda, Y Yamauchi, N Maeda, S Sasaki, T Makimoto
Diamond and related materials 15 (4-8), 787-791, 2006
Nucleation and growth dynamics of diamond films by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD)
H Ye, CQ Sun, P Hing, H Xie, S Zhang, J Wei
Surface and Coatings Technology 123 (2-3), 129-133, 2000
Behind the quantum confinement and surface passivation of nanoclusters
CQ Sun, HQ Gong, P Hing, HT Ye
Surface Review and Letters 6 (02), 171-176, 1999
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Articles 1–20