Markov theorem for transversal links SY Orevkov, VV Shevchishin
Journal of knot theory and its ramifications 12 (07), 905-913, 2003
89 2003 Structure of the moduli space in a neighborhood of a cusp-curve and meromorphic hulls S Ivashkovich, V Shevchishin
Inventiones mathematicae 136 (3), 571-602, 1999
84 1999 Lagrangian embeddings of the Klein bottle and combinatorial properties of mapping class groups VV Shevchishin
Izvestiya: Mathematics 73 (4), 797, 2009
59 2009 Pseudoholomorphic curves and the symplectic isotopy problem V Shevchishin
arXiv preprint math/0010262, 2000
59 2000 Reflection principle and J-complex curves with boundary on totally real immersions S Ivashkovich, V Shevchishin
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 4 (01), 65-106, 2002
51 2002 Gromov compactness theorem for J-complex curves with boundary S Ivashkovich, V Shevchishin
International Mathematics Research Notices 2000 (22), 1167-1206, 2000
49 2000 Two-dimensional superintegrable metrics with one linear and one cubic integral VS Matveev, VV Shevchishin
Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (8), 1353-1377, 2011
47 2011 Pseudo-holomorphic curves and envelopes of meromorphy of two-spheres in S Ivashkovich, V Shevchishin
arXiv preprint math/9804014, 1998
31 1998 Complex curves in almost-complex manifolds and meromorphic hulls S Ivashkovich, V Shevchishin
arXiv preprint math/9912046, 1999
30 1999 Deformations of non-compact complex curves and envelopes of meromorphy of spheres SM Ivashkovich, VV Shevchishin
Sbornik: Mathematics 189 (9), 1295, 1998
22 1998 Regular homotopy of Hurwitz curves D Auroux, VS Kulikov, VV Shevchishin
Izvestiya: Mathematics 68 (3), 521, 2004
19 2004 Explicit metrics for a class of two-dimensional cubically superintegrable systems G Valent, C Duval, V Shevchishin
Journal of Geometry and Physics 87, 461-481, 2015
17 2015 On the local Severi problem VV Shevchishin
International Mathematics Research Notices 2004 (5), 211-237, 2004
17 2004 Smoothing 3-dimensional polyhedral spaces N Lebedeva, V Matveev, A Petrunin, V Shevchishin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.0307, 2014
16 2014 Differential invariants for cubic integrals of geodesic flows on surfaces VS Matveev, VV Shevchishin
Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (6-8), 833-856, 2010
14 2010 Secondary Stiefel-Whitney class and diffeomorphisms of rational and ruled symplectic 4-manifolds V Shevchishin
arXiv preprint arXiv:0904.0283, 2009
12 2009 Holomorphic structure on the space of Riemann surfaces with marked boundary SM Ivashkovich, VV Shevchishin
Труды Математического института имени ВА Стеклова 235 (0), 98-109, 2001
11 2001 Symplectic triangle inequality V Shevchishin, G Smirnov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.10895, 2019
10 2019 Limit holonomy and extension properties of Sobolev and Yang-Mills bundles VV Shevchishin
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 12, 493-528, 2002
10 2002 Elliptic diffeomorphisms of symplectic 4-manifolds V Shevchishin, G Smirnov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01518, 2017
9 2017