Nobu Toge
Nobu Toge
Professor, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kek.jp
A study of K− π+ scattering in the reaction K− p→ K− π+ n at 11 GeV/c
D Aston, N Awaji, T Bienz, F Bird, J D'Amore, W Dunwoodie, R Endorf, ...
Nuclear Physics B 296 (3), 493-526, 1988
A Multi-TeV linear collider based on CLIC technology: CLIC Conceptual Design Report
M Aicheler, P Burrows, M Draper, T Garvey, P Lebrun, K Peach, ...
SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States), 2014
The international linear collider technical design report-volume 3. ii: Accelerator baseline design
C Adolphsen
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Thomas Jefferson …, 2013
KEK B-Factory design report
N Toge
Pion and kaon pair production in photon-photon collisions
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, RE Avery, A Barbaro-Galtieri, AR Barker, ...
Physical Review Letters 57 (4), 404, 1986
Evidence for two Strangeonium resonances with JPC= 1++ and 1+− in K− p interactions at 11 GeV/c
D Aston, N Awaji, T Bienz, F Bird, J D'Amore, W Dunwoodie, R Endorf, ...
Physics letters B 201 (4), 573-578, 1988
Updated baseline for a staged Compact Linear Collider
C Balazs, TK Charles
CERN, 2016
A study of the Ks0Ks0 system in the reaction K− p→ Ks0Ks0Λ at 11 GeV/c
D Aston, N Awaji, T Bienz, F Bird, J D'Amore, W Dunwoodie, R Endorf, ...
Nuclear Physics B 301 (4), 525-553, 1988
Tests of models for quark and gluon fragmentation ine + e annihilation at
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, JA Bakken, A Barbaro-Galtieri, AV Barnes, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 28, 31-44, 1985
Study of Bose-Einstein correlations in annihilation at 29 GeV
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, JA Bakken, A Barbaro-Galtieri, AV Barnes, ...
Physical Review D 31 (5), 996, 1985
The CLIC Programme: towards a staged e+ e-linear collider exploring the terascale: CLIC conceptual design report
P Lebrun, L Linssen, A Lucaci-Timoce, D Schulte, F Simon, S Stapnes, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.2543, 2012
Performance of the CRID at SLD
K Abe, P Antilogus, D Aston, K Baird, A Bean, R Ben-David, T Bienz, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1994
Charged Hadron Production in Annihilation at 29 GeV
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, DH Badke, JA Bakken, A Barbaro-Galtieri, ...
Physical Review Letters 52 (8), 577, 1984
Measurement of the photon structure functionF 2 γ (x, Q2) in the region 0.2<Q 2<7 GeV2
TPC/Two-Gamma Collaboration, H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, RE Avery, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 34, 1-13, 1987
Extremely low vertical-emittance beam in the Accelerator Test Facility at KEK
K Kubo, M Akemoto, S Anderson, T Aoki, S Araki, KLF Bane, P Blum, ...
Physical review letters 88 (19), 194801, 2002
Achievement of ultralow emittance beam in the accelerator test facility damping ring
Y Honda, K Kubo, S Anderson, S Araki, K Bane, A Brachmann, J Frisch, ...
Physical review letters 92 (5), 054802, 2004
and Meson Production in Annihilations at 29 GeV
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, JA Bakken, A Barbaro-Galtieri, AV Barnes, ...
Physical Review Letters 53 (25), 2378, 1984
Pion and Kaon multiplicities in heavy quark jets from e+ e− annihilation at 29 GeV
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, RE Avery, JA Bakken, A Barbaro-Galtieri, ...
Physics Letters B 184 (2-3), 299-304, 1987
Evidence for a spin-1 particle produced by two photons
H Aihara, M Alston-Garnjost, RE Avery, A Barbaro-Galtieri, AR Barker, ...
Physical review letters 57 (20), 2500, 1986
The strange meson resonances observed in the reaction K− p→ K0π+ π− n at GeV/c
D Aston, N Awaji, J D'Amore, W Dunwoodie, R Endorf, K Fujii, H Hayashii, ...
Nuclear Physics B 292, 693-713, 1987
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