Riccardo Rosati
Riccardo Rosati
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Tractable Reasoning and Efficient Query Answering in Description Logics: The DL-Lite Family
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati
Journal of Automated reasoning 39, 385-429, 2007
Linking data to ontologies
A Poggi, D Lembo, D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati
Journal on data semantics X, 133-173, 2008
Data complexity of query answering in description logics
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati
Artificial Intelligence 195, 335-360, 2013
DL-Lite: Tractable description logics for ontologies
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati
AAAI 5, 602-607, 2005
The MASTRO system for ontology-based data access
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, A Poggi, ...
Semantic Web 2 (1), 43-53, 2011
Description logic framework for information integration
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, M Lenzerini, D Nardi, R Rosati
KR, 2-13, 1998
Ontology-based data access: A survey
G Xiao, D Calvanese, R Kontchakov, D Lembo, A Poggi, R Rosati, ...
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
On the decidability and complexity of query answering over inconsistent and incomplete databases
A Calì, D Lembo, R Rosati
Proceedings of the twenty-second ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2003
Reconciling description logics and rules
B Motik, R Rosati
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 57 (5), 1-62, 2008
Description logics of minimal knowledge and negation as failure
FM Donini, D Nardi, R Rosati
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (ToCL) 3 (2), 177-225, 2002
DL+log: Tight integration of description logics and disjunctive datalog
R Rosati
Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on the Principles of Knowledge Representation …, 2006
Logical foundations of peer-to-peer data integration
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati
Proceedings of the twenty-third ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2004
Inconsistency-tolerant semantics for description logics
D Lembo, M Lenzerini, R Rosati, M Ruzzi, DF Savo
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems: Fourth International Conference, RR 2010 …, 2010
Ontologies and Databases: The DL-Lite Approach
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, A Poggi, ...
Reasoning Web International Summer School, 255-356, 2009
Information integration: Conceptual modeling and reasoning support
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, M Lenzerini, D Nardi, R Rosati
Proceedings. 3rd IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information …, 1998
QUONTO: querying ontologies
A Acciarri, D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, D Lembo, M Lenzerini, ...
AAAI 5, 1670-1671, 2005
On the decidability and complexity of integrating ontologies and rules
R Rosati
Journal of Web Semantics 3 (1), 61-73, 2005
Improving query answering over DL-Lite ontologies
R Rosati, A Almatelli
Twelfth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2010
Data integration in data warehousing
D Calvanese, G De Giacomo, M Lenzerini, D Nardi, R Rosati
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 10 (03), 237-271, 2001
Can OWL and logic programming live together happily ever after?
B Motik, I Horrocks, R Rosati, U Sattler
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2006: 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2006
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