Phillippe Samer
Cited by
Cited by
A branch and cut algorithm for minimum spanning trees under conflict constraints
P Samer, S Urrutia
Optimization Letters 9 (1), 41-55, 2015
An effective decomposition approach and heuristics to generate spanning trees with a small number of branch vertices
RA Melo, P Samer, S Urrutia
Computational Optimization and Applications 65 (3), 821-844, 2016
Fixed cardinality stable sets
P Samer, D Haugland
Discrete Applied Mathematics 303, 137-148, 2021
Um algoritmo de branch and cut para árvores geradoras mınimas sob restriçoes de conflito
P Samer, S Urrutia
XLV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2521-2532, 2013
Towards stronger Lagrangean bounds for stable spanning trees
P Samer, D Haugland
10th International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), 2022
The matching relaxation for a class of generalized set partitioning problems
P Samer, E Cavalcante, S Urrutia, J Oppen
Discrete Applied Mathematics 253, 153-166, 2019
On a class of strong valid inequalities for the connected matching polytope
P Samer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.14019, 2023
The unsuitable neighbourhood inequalities for the fixed cardinality stable set polytope
P Samer, D Haugland
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications: CTW2020 …, 2021
Polyhedral approach to weighted connected matchings in general graphs
P Samer, PFS Moura
Discrete Applied Mathematics 359, 143-152, 2024
Stable spanning trees
P Samer, D Haugland
Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and …, 2023
Weighted connected matchings
P Samer, PFS Moura
Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and …, 2023
Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and independence
P Samer
The University of Bergen, 2023
Polyhedral results and stronger Lagrangean bounds for stable spanning trees
P Samer, D Haugland
Optimization Letters 17 (6), 1317-1335, 2023
Combinatorial Relaxation Bounds and Preprocessing for Berth Allocation Problems
E Cavalcante, J Oppen, P Samer, S Urrutia
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 55 (CTW 2016), 85-88, 2016
Uma metodologia de relaxação combinatória para um problema de logística em portos
E Cavalcante, J Oppen, P Samer, S Urrutia
XLVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO), 2539-2550, 2016
Projeto de uma Biblioteca Paralela de Grafos
P Samer, AH Sampaio, A Milanés, S Urrutia
XVI Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa / XLIV …, 2012
Designing a Multicore Graph Library
P Samer, AH Sampaio, A Milanés, S Urrutia
10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2012
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Articles 1–17