Rohit K
Rohit K
Johns Hopkins University
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Cited by
Coswara--a database of breathing, cough, and voice sounds for COVID-19 diagnosis
N Sharma, P Krishnan, R Kumar, S Ramoji, SR Chetupalli, PK Ghosh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10548, 2020
DiCOVA Challenge: Dataset, task, and baseline system for COVID-19 diagnosis using acoustics
A Muguli, L Pinto, N Sharma, P Krishnan, PK Ghosh, R Kumar, S Bhat, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.09148, 2021
Multi-modal point-of-care diagnostics for COVID-19 based on acoustics and symptoms
SR Chetupalli, P Krishnan, N Sharma, A Muguli, R Kumar, V Nanda, ...
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 11, 199-210, 2023
Towards sound based testing of COVID-19—Summary of the first Diagnostics of COVID-19 using Acoustics (DiCOVA) Challenge
NK Sharma, A Muguli, P Krishnan, R Kumar, SR Chetupalli, S Ganapathy
Computer Speech & Language 73, 101320, 2022
Investigating Feature Selection and Explainability for COVID-19 Diagnostics from Cough Sounds.
F Avila, AH Poorjam, D Mittal, C Dognin, A Muguli, R Kumar, ...
Interspeech 6, 4246-4250, 2021
Deep learning based dereverberation of temporal envelopesfor robust speech recognition
A Purushothaman, A Sreeram, R Kumar, S Ganapathy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.03339, 2020
Unsupervised neural mask estimator for generalized eigen-value beamforming based ASR
R Kumar, A Sreeram, A Purushothaman, S Ganapathy
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Coswara-A Database of Breathing
S Neeraj, K Prashant, K Rohit, R Shreyas, C Srikanth, R Nirmala, ...
Cough, and Voice Sounds for COVID-19 Diagnosis 48114815, 2020
End-to-end speech recognition with joint dereverberation of sub-band autoregressive envelopes
R Kumar, A Purushothaman, A Sreeram, S Ganapathy
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Srib-leap submission to far-field multi-channel speech enhancement challenge for video conferencing
RG Raj, R Kumar, MK Jayesh, A Purushothaman, S Ganapathy, MA Shaik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.12763, 2021
LEAP Submission to CHiME-6 ASR Challenge
A Sreeram, A Purushothaman, R Kumar, S Ganapathy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.11258, 2020
Deep Learning Based Dereverberation of Temporal Envelopes for Robust Speech Recognition
AS Anurenjan Purushothaman, R Kumar, S Ganapathy
raq (t) 1, 2, 2020
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Articles 1–12