Russell Boyatt
Cited by
Cited by
Dropout rates of massive open online courses: behavioural patterns
DFO Onah, J Sinclair, R Boyatt
EDULEARN14 proceedings, 5825-5834, 2014
The boss online submission and assessment system
M Joy, N Griffiths, R Boyatt
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) 5 (3), 2-es, 2005
Exploring factors that influence adoption of e‐learning within higher education
E King, R Boyatt
British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (6), 1272-1280, 2015
Exploring the use of MOOC discussion forums
DFO Onah, J Sinclair, R Boyatt
Proceedings of London international conference on education, 1-4, 2014
What (Use) is a MOOC?
R Boyatt, M Joy, C Rocks, J Sinclair
The 2nd international workshop on learning technology for education in cloud …, 2014
Massive open online courses: a review of usage and evaluation
J Sinclair, R Boyatt, C Rocks, M Joy
International Journal of Learning Technology 10 (1), 71-93, 2015
Massive open online courses: Learners participation
DFO Onah, JE Sinclair, R Boyatt, J Foss
ICERI2014 Proceedings, 2348-2356, 2014
Source-code plagiarism in universities: a comparative study of student perspectives in China and the UK
D Zhang, M Joy, G Cosma, R Boyatt, J Sinclair, J Yau
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 39 (6), 743-758, 2014
Student perspectives on source-code plagiarism
MS Joy, JE Sinclair, R Boyatt, JYK Yau, G Cosma
International Journal for Educational Integrity 9 (1), 2013
Perceptual comparison of source-code plagiarism within students from UK, China, and South Cyprus higher education institutions
G Cosma, M Joy, J Sinclair, M Andreou, D Zhang, B Cook, R Boyatt
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 17 (2), 1-16, 2017
A tale of two modes: initial reflections on an innovative MOOC
J Sinclair, R Boyatt, J Foss, C Rocks
Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. MOOC and Big Data: Third …, 2014
Navigating the educational cloud
R Boyatt, J Sinclair
Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC'12), 179-191, 2012
Rethinking programming
WM Beynon, RC Boyatt, SB Russ
Information Technology: New Generations, 2006. ITNG 2006. Third …, 2006
Intuition in software development revisited
M Beynon, R Boyatt, ZE Chan
Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program-and the programmer-interface
M Beynon, J Foss, E Hudnott, S Russ, C Hall, R Boyatt, E King, E Sutinen, ...
2015 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games, 9-16, 2015
Ghosts of programming past, present and yet to come.
R Boyatt, M Beynon, M Beynon
PPIG, 24, 2014
Experiences of teaching a lightweight formal method
R Boyatt, J Sinclair
A “lightweight formal methods” perspective on investigating aspects of interactive systems,”
RC Boyatt, JE Sinclair
Pre-Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Formal Methods Interact. Syst, 35-50, 2007
Forum posting habits and attainment in a dual-mode MOOC
DFO Onah, J Sinclair, R Boyatt
International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education 5 (2 …, 2015
Learning about and through Empirical Modelling
R Boyatt, A Harfield, M Beynon
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT …, 2006
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Articles 1–20