Martí Cuquet
Martí Cuquet
INS Antoni Cumella, Departament d'Educació
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Entanglement percolation in quantum complex networks
M Cuquet, J Calsamiglia
Physical review letters 103 (24), 240503, 2009
Entanglement and nonclassical properties of hypergraph states
O Gühne, M Cuquet, FES Steinhoff, T Moroder, M Rossi, D Bruß, B Kraus, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (33), 335303, 2014
The societal impact of big data: A research roadmap for Europe
M Cuquet, A Fensel
Technology in Society 54, 74-86, 2018
Limited-path-length entanglement percolation in quantum complex networks
M Cuquet, J Calsamiglia
Physical Review A 83 (3), 032319, 2011
Operational multipartite entanglement measures
K Schwaiger, D Sauerwein, M Cuquet, JI de Vicente, B Kraus
Physical review letters 115 (15), 150502, 2015
Growth of graph states in quantum networks
M Cuquet, J Calsamiglia
Physical Review A 86 (4), 042304, 2012
Percepciones y uso de la Wikipedia en alumnos de educación secundaria
M Cuquet Palau, MJ García San Pedro
Education in the knowledge society (EKS) 20, 8, 2019
Societal impacts of big data: challenges and opportunities in Europe
M Cuquet, G Vega-Gorgojo, H Lammerant, R Finn, U ul Hassan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.03361, 2017
Source and accessible entanglement of few-body systems
D Sauerwein, K Schwaiger, M Cuquet, JI de Vicente, B Kraus
Physical Review A 92 (6), 062340, 2015
The network structure of visited locations according to geotagged social media photos
C Junker, Z Akbar, M Cuquet
Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on …, 2017
A European research roadmap for optimizing societal impact of big data on environment and energy efficiency
M Cuquet, A Fensel, L Bigagli
Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 2017, 379-384, 2017
Big data for good
M Cuquet, G Vega-Gorgojo, H Lammerant, R Finn, U ul Hassan
Entanglement distribution in quantum complex networks
M Cuquet Palau
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012
ViquiEDU: involucrant a l’alumnat dels Graus d’Educació en la creació de continguts educatius en obert a Viquipèdia
L Ruiz Eugenio, R Valls, EDS Duque, FJ Díez Palomar, ...
Editar la Viquipèdia: punt de trobada de competències matemàtiques, lingüístiques i digitals
M Cuquet, A Schlüter
Noubiaix: revista de la FEEMCAT i la SCM, 44-55, 2019
Geometría en la Wikipedia: La competencia digital en las matemáticas de Bachillerato
M Cuquet Palau
Facultad de Educación, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2018
A roadmap for big data incorporating both the research roadmap and the policy roadmap: BYTE Policy and Research Roadmap
S Grumbach, A Faravelon, M Cuquet, A Fensel
Entanglement properties of locally maximally entangleable states
M Cuquet, T Carle, B Kraus
Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and the Swiss Physical …, 2013
La crisi com a excusa: les retallades a la universitat i la situació dels investigadors en fase inicial
M Cuquet, F del Castillo
Estrat crític: revista d'arqueologia, 109-120, 2012
Broadcasting in spin networks
M Cuquet Palau
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008
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