Aurélien Wailly
Aurélien Wailly
Orange Labs, Telecom SudParis
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System for supervising the security of an architecture
R He, M Lacoste, A Wailly
US Patent 9,380,075, 2016
Vespa: Multi-layered self-protection for cloud resources
A Wailly, M Lacoste, H Debar
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Autonomic computing, 155-160, 2012
Engineering intrusion prevention services for iaas clouds: The way of the hypervisor
S Laniepce, M Lacoste, M Kassi-Lahlou, F Bignon, K Lazri, A Wailly
2013 IEEE seventh international symposium on service-oriented system …, 2013
Towards multi-layer autonomic isolation of cloud computing and networking resources
A Wailly, M Lacoste, H Debar
2011 Conference on Network and Information Systems Security, 1-9, 2011
Method for monitoring the security of a virtual machine in a cloud computing architecture
A Wailly, P Legouge
US Patent 10,540,499, 2020
Self-stabilizing virtual machine hypervisor architecture for resilient cloud
A Binun, M Bloch, S Dolev, MR Kahil, B Menuhin, R Yagel, T Coupaye, ...
2014 IEEE World Congress on Services, 200-207, 2014
Recommendations for IPsec Configuration on Homenet and M2M devices
D Migault, D Palomares, T Guggemos, A Wally, M Laurent, JP Wary
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and …, 2015
KungFuVisor: enabling hypervisor self-defense
A Wailly, M Lacoste, H Debar
EuroDW'12: The 6th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, 2012
Flying over Mobile Clouds with Security Planes: Select Your Class of SLA for End-to-End Security
M Lacoste, A Wailly, A Tabourin, L Habermacher, X Le Guillou, JP Wary
2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 50-59, 2013
CGA as alternative security credentials with IKEv2: implementation and analysis
JM Combes, A Wailly, M Laurent
SAR-SSI'12: 7th Conference on Network Architectures and Information Systems …, 2012
RetroVisor: Nested virtualization for multi IaaS VM availability
A Wailly, M Lacoste, H Debar
ComPAS 2013: Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, ., 2013
End-to-end security architecture for cloud computing environments
A Wailly
Institut National des Télécommunications, 2014
Internet Key Exchange Version 2 with IPV6 Cryptographically Generated Addresses
JM Combes, A Wailly, M Laurent
ICSNA’12: International Conference on Secure networking and Applications, 2011
Self-defending clouds: Myth and realities
M Lacoste, A Wailly, H Debar
C&ESAR 2012, 45, 2012
Brief Announcement: Data Stabilization
A Binun, T Coupaye, S Dolev, M Kassi-Lahlou, M Lacoste, A Palesandro, ...
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 17th …, 2015
Brief announcement: Data stabilization enforcement via active monitoring the cloud infrastructure consistency case
A Binun, T Coupaye, S Dolev, M Kassi-Lahlou, M Lacoste, A Palesandro, ...
17th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of …, 2015
IKEv2 with CGA
JM Combes, A Wailly
RetroVisor: Nested Virtualization for Multi IaaS VM
A Wailly, M Lacoste, H Debar
Utilisation d'un nouveau type de matériel de sécurité avec IPsec/IKEv2
A Wailly
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