Alla Bolotova
Cited by
Cited by
How the North became home: Attachment to place among industrial migrants in the Murmansk Region of Russia
A Bolotova, F Stammler
Migration in the circumpolar North: Issue and contexts, 193-220, 2010
Colonization of nature in the Soviet Union. State ideology, public discourse, and the experience of geologists
A Bolotova
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 104-123, 2004
Экологическая политика повседневности в западных странах и в России
АА Болотова
Общественные науки и современность, 80-89, 2002
Loving and conquering nature: Shifting perceptions of the environment in the industrialised Russian North
A Bolotova
Europe-Asia Studies 64 (4), 645-671, 2012
Conquering nature and engaging with the environment in the Russian industrialised north
A Bolotova
fi= Lapin yliopisto| en= University of Lapland|, 2014
Mobility and sense of place among youth in the Russian Arctic
A Bolotova, A Karaseva, V Vasilyeva
Sibirica 16 (3), 77-123, 2017
Local case study II: Svetogorsk pulp and paper mill
A Bolotova, D Vorobiov
Environmental transformations in the Russian forest industry: key actors and …, 2002
Environmental activism in the St. Petersburg region
M Tysiachniouk, A Bolotova
Towards a sustainable future: Environmental activism in Russia and the …, 1999
3 Leaving or staying?
A Bolotova
Young People, Wellbeing and Placemaking in the Arctic, 53, 2021
Liveability under shrinkage: initiatives in the ‘capital of pessimism’in Finland
RM Adams, A Bolotova, V Alasalmi
European Planning Studies 31 (1), 212-229, 2023
The State, Geology and Nature in the USSR: The Experiences of Colonising the Russian Far North
A Bolotova
Understanding Russian Nature: Representations, Values and Concepts, 99-124, 2015
How the North became home
A Bolotova, F Stammler
Attachment to Place among Industrial Migrants in Murmansk Region/C …, 2010
Ekologicheskaya politika povsednevnosti v zapadnykh stranakh i Rossii [The Environmental Policy of Everyday Life in Western Countries and Russia]
AL Bolotova
Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost, 80-89, 2002
Engaging with the environment in the industrialized Russian North
A Bolotova
Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 36 (2), 28-36, 2011
Die Geologen: Kolonisatoren am Lagerfeuer: Selbstbild und Naturverständnis in der UdSSR
A Bolotova, H Schröder
Osteuropa, 57-67, 2008
Self-responsibilization, the municipality, and the state: Peripheralization shaping local initiatives in shrinking small towns
K Großmann, RM Adams, A Bolotova, M Gunko, J Lilius, S Messerschmidt, ...
Cities 150, 105067, 2024
The Opening of the Circumpolar World
I Massa, A Bolotova
Ympäristöhistoria Finnish Journal of Environmental History (YFJEH), 49-78, 2012
Discourses on taiga: the state, geologists and nature in the Soviet Union
A Bolotova, A Bammé, G Getzinger, B Wieser
Yearbook of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and …, 2005
Ensuring Thriving Northern Towns for Young People: A Best Practices Guide/Vetovoimainen Kunta Pohjoisen Nuorille–Parhaita Käytäntöjä/Molodezh’v severnykh gorodakh: luchshie …
RM Adams
Habitual Risk Taking in Dzerzhinsk: Daily Life in the Capital of Soviet Chemistry
A Bolotova
Cultures of Contamination, 223-252, 2007
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Articles 1–20