Irene Guarneri
Irene Guarneri
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ve.ismar.cnr.it
Establishment of Corbicula fluminea (OF Müller, 1774) in Lake Maggiore: a spatial approach to trace the invasion dynamics
L Kamburska, R Lauceri, M Beltrami, A Boggero, A Cardeccia, I Guarneri, ...
BioInvasions Records 2 (2), 105-117, 2013
A morphometric and genetic comparison of Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) populations: does shape really matter?
I Guarneri, OP Popa, L Gola, L Kamburska, R Lauceri, M Lopes-Lima, ...
Aquatic Invasions 9 (2), 2014
Protecting and restoring the salt marshes and seagrasses in the lagoon of Venice
D Tagliapietra, D Baldan, A Barausse, A Buosi, D Curiel, I Guarneri, ...
Management and Restoration of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons in Europe …, 2018
After a century in the Mediterranean, the warm-water shipworm Teredo bartschi invades the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), overwintering a few degrees above zero
D Tagliapietra, I Guarneri, E Keppel, M Sigovini
Biological Invasions 23 (5), 1595-1618, 2021
Bioerosion effects of sea-level rise on the Doge’s Palace water doors in Venice (Italy)
D Tagliapietra, M Sigovini, E Keppel, I Guarneri, S Palanti, N Veronese, ...
Facies 65 (3), 34, 2019
Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDDs) and Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae)
M Picone, E Delaney, D Tagliapietra, I Guarneri, A Volpi Ghirardini
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 235, 2020
The genetic diversity of two invasive sympatric bivalves (Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha) from Lakes Garda and Maggiore, Northern Italy
C Gomes, T Mendes, R Borges, I Guarneri, I Marchi, L Guilhermino, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 46 (1), 225-229, 2020
Protocollo di campionamento ed analisi granulometrica di sedimenti lacustri
A Boggero, S Zaupa, I Guarneri
Sito web: PROGETTO LIFE08 ENV/IT/000413 INHABIT, 2011
Eutrophication history and organic carbon burial rate recorded in sediment cores from the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy)
J Dominik, S Leoni, D Cassin, I Guarneri, LG Bellucci, R Zonta
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (19), 56713-56730, 2023
Biological Resistance of Acetylated Radiata Pine, European Beech, and MDF against Marine Borers at Three Italian Sites after Five Years Immersion
S Palanti, F Stefani, M Andrenacci, M Faimali, I Guarneri, M Sigovini, ...
Forests 13 (5), 636, 2022
A simple method to calculate the volume of shipworm tunnels from radiographs
I Guarneri, M Sigovini, D Tagliapietra
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 156, 105109, 2021
Corbicula fluminea invasion in Lake Maggiore: a three years ecological study.
I Guarneri
Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, 2013
An Integrated Testing Strategy (ITS) to assess the environmental compatibility of wood protection techniques
M Picone, M Russo, D Marchetto, GG Distefano, M Baccichet, E Scalabrin, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 472, 134484, 2024
The European project'DeuteroNoise'-Characterization of maritime noise in different European basins and its impact on ecological relevant deuterostome invertebrates
G Zambon, V Zaffaroni-Caorsi, E Asnaghi, L Manni, G Sabbadin, ...
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, EAA 2023, 2023
Benthic habitat mapping and underwater archaeological structures in the northern Venice Lagoon tidal channels
I Guarneri, A Petrizzo, D Galvez, D Tagliapietra, F Madricardo
Crossing the water: the Venice Lagoon from antiquity throughout the …, 2022
Limnoria carinata Menzies & Becker 1957 (isopoda: Limnoriidae) in the Adriatic
D Tagliapietra, I Guarneri, A Guastadisegni, M Sigovini, E Keppel, ...
Search in, 2015
Underwater photogrammetry as a novel approach to characterize and monitor Northern Adriatic biogenic outcrops: first results and perspectives
M Sigovini, A Bergamasco, FB Aubry, M Cosma, S Donnici, I Guarneri, ...
Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) in the North Adriatic Sea: ecological observations and spawning behavior
I Guarneri, M Bozzo, N PEREZ CRIADO, E Serafini, G Manfè, ...
Integrative Zoology, 2024
Stato ambientale della Laguna di Venezia ed elementi per la pianificazione sostenibile delle attività portuali
D Tagliapietra, M Sigovini, I Guarneri
Bursatella leachii de Blainville, 1817: sighting of uncommon alien species in the Lagoon of Venice
G Montereale Gavazzi, M Sigovini, I Guarneri, D Tagliapietra
Bollettino del Museo di Storia Nataturale di Venezia, 111-115, 2015
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