Francesca Franzon
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Do non‐verbal number systems shape grammar? Numerical cognition and Number morphology compared
F Franzon, C Zanini, R Rugani
Mind & Language 34 (1), 37-58, 2019
One can be some but some cannot be one: ERP correlates of numerosity incongruence are different for singular and plural
G Arcara, F Franzon, S Gastaldon, S Brotto, C Semenza, F Peressotti, ...
Cortex 116, 104-121, 2019
Cross-domain image captioning with discriminative finetuning
R Dessì, M Bevilacqua, E Gualdoni, NC Rakotonirina, F Franzon, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Form and function: A study on the distribution of the inflectional endings in Italian nouns and adjectives
VN Pescuma, C Zanini, D Crepaldi, F Franzon
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 720228, 2021
Effects of animacy on the processing of morphological Number: a cognitive inheritance?
C Zanini, R Rugani, D Giomo, F Peressotti, F Franzon
Word Structure 13 (1), 22-44, 2020
Mass is more: The conceiving of (un) countability and its encoding into language in 5-year-old-children
C Zanini, S Benavides-Varela, R Lorusso, F Franzon
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24, 1330-1340, 2017
Cognitive and communicative pressures in the emergence of grammatical structure: A closer look at whether number sense is encoded in privileged ways
F Franzon, C Zanini, R Rugani
Cognitive neuropsychology 37 (5-6), 355-358, 2020
The entropy of morphological systems in natural languages is modulated by functional and semantic properties.
F Franzon, C Zanini, 2021
Lexical categories or frequency effects? A feedback from quantitative methods applied to psycholinguistic models in two studies on Italian
F Franzon, G Arcara, C Zanini
Proceedings of the Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2016
Il cervello morfologico
C Semenza, F Franzon, C Zanini
Bussole, 2019
Communication breakdown: On the low mutual intelligibility between human and neural captioning
R Dessì, E Gualdoni, F Franzon, G Boleda, M Baroni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.11512, 2022
The role of context and cognition in countability: A psycholinguistic account of lexical distributions
F Franzon, G Arcara, C Zanini, T Kiss, FJ Pelletier
Things and stuff: The semantics of the count-mass distinction 321, 2021
Referential numerosity and morphosyntactic number agreement: A psycholinguistic study on Italian Qualche/Alcuni
S Gastaldon, C Zanini, G Arcara, F Peressotti, F Franzon
Research in Generative Grammar 38, 105-113, 2016
Gender agreement: a psycholinguistic and aphasia case study
F Franzon, G Arcara, F Peressotti, C Semenza
Academy of Aphasia-52nd Annual Meeting. Frontiers in Psychology, 5-7, 2014
Semantic interpretability speeds up the processing of morphological features. A psycholinguistic experiment on gender agreement
F Franzon, F Peressotti, G Arcara, C Semenza
Stem-, Spraak-en Taalpathologie 19, 189-191, 2014
Referential communication in heterogeneous communities of pre-trained visual deep networks
M Mahaut, F Franzon, R Dessì, M Baroni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08913, 2023
Exploring gender inflection: an insight from errors in aphasia
F Franzon, D Bertocci, C Semenza
Stem-, Spraak-en Taalpathologie 18 (SUPPL 1), 171-173, 2013
Measuring the distribution of mass and count nouns. A comparison between a rating study and a corpus based analysis
C Zanini, G Arcara, F Franzon
Talk presented at PALC9, Łódź, Poland, 20-22, 2014
Different degrees of abstraction from visual cues in processing concrete nouns
F Franzon, C Zanini
Perspectives on Abstract Concepts: Cognition, language and communication 65 …, 2019
Gender Agreement: a comparate psycholinguistic and aphasia case study
F Franzon, F Peressotti, G Arcara, C Semenza
Academy of Aphasia-52nd Annual Meeting. Frontiers in Psychology, 5-7, 2013
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Articles 1–20