Jacquelyn S Thomas
Cited by
Cited by
Challenges and opportunities in multichannel customer management
SA Neslin, D Grewal, R Leghorn, V Shankar, ML Teerling, JS Thomas, ...
Journal of service research 9 (2), 95-112, 2006
Customer equity: Building and managing relationships as valuable assets
RC Blattberg, G Getz, JS Thomas
(No Title), 2001
Balancing acquisition and retention resources to maximize customer profitability
W Reinartz, JS Thomas, V Kumar
Journal of marketing 69 (1), 63-79, 2005
Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice
N Arora, X Dreze, A Ghose, JD Hess, R Iyengar, B Jing, Y Joshi, V Kumar, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 305-321, 2008
A methodology for linking customer acquisition to customer retention
JS Thomas
Journal of marketing research 38 (2), 262-268, 2001
Customer relationship management and firm performance: the mediating role of business strategy
M Reimann, O Schilke, JS Thomas
Journal of the academy of marketing science 38, 326-346, 2010
Managing marketing communications with multichannel customers
JS Thomas, UY Sullivan
Journal of Marketing 69 (4), 239-251, 2005
Recapturing lost customers
JS Thomas, RC Blattberg, EJ Fox
Journal of marketing research 41 (1), 31-45, 2004
Linking customer assets to financial performance
JE Hogan, DR Lehmann, M Merino, RK Srivastava, JS Thomas, ...
Journal of Service Research 5 (1), 26-38, 2002
Investigating the relationship between the content of online word of mouth, advertising, and brand performance
S Gopinath, JS Thomas, L Krishnamurthi
Marketing Science 33 (2), 241-258, 2014
When does international marketing standardization matter to firm performance?
O Schilke, M Reimann, JS Thomas
Journal of International Marketing 17 (4), 24-46, 2009
Toward an understanding of industry commoditization: Its nature and role in evolving marketing competition
M Reimann, O Schilke, JS Thomas
International Journal of Research in Marketing 27 (2), 188-197, 2010
Getting the most out of all your customers.
JS Thomas, W Reinartz, V Kumar
Harvard Business Review 82 (7-8), 116-23, 188, 2004
Investigating cross‐buying and customer loyalty
W Reinartz, JS Thomas, G Bascoul
Journal of Interactive Marketing 22 (1), 5-20, 2008
Klient jako kapitał: budowa cennego majątku relacji z klientem i zarządzanie nim
RC Blattberg, G Getz, JS Thomas
Wydaw. MT Biznes, 2004
Strategic assortment decisions in information-intensive and turbulent environments
MG Dekimpe, K Gielens, J Raju, JS Thomas
Journal of Retailing 87, S17-S28, 2011
Customer win-back: the role of attributions and perceptions in customers’ willingness to return
D Pick, JS Thomas, S Tillmanns, M Krafft
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 44, 218-240, 2016
The fundamentals of customer equity management
RC Blattberg, JS Thomas
Bruhn, M./Homburg, C.(1998): Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement, Wiesbaden …, 1998
Email marketing as a tool for strategic persuasion
JS Thomas, C Chen, D Iacobucci
Journal of Interactive Marketing 57 (3), 377-392, 2022
Customer migration: an empirical investigation across multiple channels
UY Sullivan, JS Thomas
Arbeitspapier, Northwestern University, 2004
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Articles 1–20