Simon J. Bell
Simon J. Bell
Professor of Marketing, University of Melbourne; Fellow, University of Cambridge
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Co-production and customer loyalty in financial services
S Auh, SJ Bell, CS McLeod, E Shih
Journal of retailing 83 (3), 359-370, 2007
The employee-organization relationship, organizational citizenship behaviors, and superior service quality
SJ Bell, B Menguc
Journal of retailing 78 (2), 131-146, 2002
Customer relationship dynamics: service quality and customer loyalty in the context of varying levels of customer expertise and switching costs
SJ Bell, S Auh, K Smalley
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33 (2), 169-183, 2005
Just entrepreneurial enough: the moderating effect of entrepreneurship on the relationship between market orientation and performance
SN Bhuian, B Menguc, SJ Bell
Journal of business research 58 (1), 9-17, 2005
Corporate reputation, stakeholders and the social performance-financial performance relationship
BA Neville, SJ Bell, B Mengüç
European Journal of Marketing 39 (9/10), 1184-1198, 2005
How can clusters sustain performance? The role of network strength, network openness, and environmental uncertainty
AB Eisingerich, SJ Bell, P Tracey
Research Policy 39 (2), 239-253, 2010
Why recommend a brand face-to-face but not on Facebook? How word-of-mouth on online social sites differs from traditional word-of-mouth
AB Eisingerich, HH Chun, Y Liu, HM Jia, SJ Bell
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (1), 120-128, 2015
Global consumer innovativeness: Cross-country differences and demographic commonalities
G Tellis, E Yin, SJ Bell
Available at SSRN 1335551, 2009
Perceived service quality and customer trust: does enhancing customers' service knowledge matter?
AB Eisingerich, SJ Bell
Journal of service research 10 (3), 256-268, 2008
When customers disappoint: A model of relational internal marketing and customer complaints
SJ Bell, B Mengüç, SL Stefani
Journal of the Academy of marketing science 32 (2), 112-126, 2004
Stakeholder salience revisited: Refining, redefining, and refueling an underdeveloped conceptual tool
BA Neville, SJ Bell, GJ Whitwell
Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3), 357-378, 2011
Schools of thought in organizational learning
SJ Bell, GJ Whitwell, BA Lukas
Journal of the academy of marketing science 30 (1), 70-86, 2002
Maintaining customer relationships in high credence services
AB Eisingerich, SJ Bell
Journal of Services Marketing 21 (4), 253-262, 2007
The organization of regional clusters
SJ Bell, P Tracey, JB Heide
Academy of Management Review 34 (4), 623-642, 2009
The paradox of customer education: Customer expertise and loyalty in the financial services industry
SJ Bell, AB Eisingerich
European Journal of Marketing 41 (5/6), 466-486, 2007
Relationship marketing in the financial services industry: The importance of customer education, participation and problem management for customer loyalty
AB Eisingerich, SJ Bell
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 10 (4), 86-97, 2006
Coping with customer complaints
SJ Bell, JA Luddington
Journal of service research 8 (3), 221-233, 2006
Image and consumer attraction to intraurban retail areas: an environmental psychology approach
SJ Bell
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 6 (2), 67-78, 1999
Social capital, customer service orientation and creativity in retail stores
O Merlo, SJ Bell, B Mengüç, GJ Whitwell
Journal of Business Research 59 (12), 1214-1221, 2006
Salesperson learning, organizational learning, and retail store performance
SJ Bell, B Mengüç, RE Widing II
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38 (2), 187-201, 2010
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Articles 1–20