Huy Tran
Cited by
Cited by
Compliance in service-oriented architectures: A model-driven and view-based approach
H Tran, U Zdun, E Oberortner, E Mulo, S Dustdar
Information and Software Technology 54 (6), 531-552, 2012
Sustainable architectural design decisions
U Zdun, R Capilla, H Tran, O Zimmermann
IEEE software 30 (6), 46-53, 2013
View-based and model-driven approach for reducing the development complexity in process-driven SOA
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
Intl. Working Conf. on Business Process and Services Computing (BPSC’07) 116 …, 2007
Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition
M Aiello, C Platzer, F Rosenberg, H Tran, M Vasko, S Dustdar
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, 2006. The …, 2006
Supporting consistency between architectural design decisions and component models through reusable architectural knowledge transformations
I Lytra, H Tran, U Zdun
European Conference on Software Architecture, 224-239, 2013
Modeling human aspects of business processes–A view-based, model-driven approach
T Holmes, H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
Model Driven Architecture–Foundations and Applications, 246-261, 2008
View-based reverse engineering approach for enhancing model interoperability and reusability in process-driven SOAs
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
International Conference on Software Reuse, 233-244, 2008
View-based integration of process-driven soa models at various abstraction levels
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data Integration, 55-66, 2008
VbTrace: using view-based and model-driven development to support traceability in process-driven SOAs
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
Software & Systems Modeling 10, 5-29, 2011
Constraint-based consistency checking between design decisions and component models for supporting software architecture evolution
I Lytra, H Tran, U Zdun
2012 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 287-296, 2012
Automated mapping of UML activity diagrams to formal specifications for supporting containment checking
FUL Muram, H Tran, U Zdun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.0852, 2014
On the interdependence and integration of variability and architectural decisions
I Lytra, H Eichelberger, H Tran, G Leyh, K Schmid, U Zdun
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2014
An end-to-end framework for business compliance in process-driven SOAs
H Tran, T Holmes, E Oberortner, E Mulo, AB Cavalcante, J Serafinski, ...
2010 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2010
Impact analysis for event-based systems using change patterns
S Tragatschnig, H Tran, U Zdun
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 763-768, 2014
Event Actors Based Approach for Supporting Analysis and Verification of Event-Driven Architectures
H Tran, U Zdun
17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference …, 2013
Name-based View Integration for enhancing the Reusability in process-driven SOAs
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 5 (3 …, 2011
Modeling process-driven SOAs: A view-based approach
H Tran, U Zdun, S Dustdar
Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling, 27-48, 2009
Harmonizing architectural decisions with component view models using reusable architectural knowledge transformations and constraints
I Lytra, H Tran, U Zdun
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014
Change patterns for supporting the evolution of event-based systems
S Tragatschnig, H Tran, U Zdun
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences …, 2013
Event-driven actors for supporting flexibility and scalability in service-based integration architecture
H Tran, U Zdun
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012: Confederated …, 2012
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Articles 1–20