Anna Volkova
Anna Volkova
Professor of Thermal Engineering, Head of research group
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Cited by
Methodology for evaluating the transition process dynamics towards 4th generation district heating networks
A Volkova, V Mašatin, A Siirde
Energy 150, 253-261, 2018
Energy cascade connection of a low-temperature district heating network to the return line of a high-temperature district heating network
A Volkova, I Krupenski, A Ledvanov, A Hlebnikov, K Lepiksaar, E Latőšov, ...
Energy 198, 117304, 2020
Improving CHP flexibility by integrating thermal energy storage and power-to-heat technologies into the energy system
K Lepiksaar, V Mašatin, E Latőšov, A Siirde, A Volkova
Smart Energy 2, 100022, 2021
Greenhouse gas emission reduction perspectives in the Baltic States in frames of EU energy and climate policy
I Roos, S Soosaar, A Volkova, D Streimikene
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (4), 2133-2146, 2012
Evaluation factor for district heating network heat loss with respect to network geometry
V Masatin, E Latőšev, A Volkova
Energy Procedia 95, 279-285, 2016
Primary energy factor for district heating networks in European Union member states
E Latőšov, A Volkova, A Siirde, J Kurnitski, M Thalfeldt
Energy Procedia 116, 69-77, 2017
5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) implementation potential in urban areas with existing district heating systems
A Volkova, I Pakere, L Murauskaite, P Huang, K Lepiksaar, X Zhang
Energy Reports 8, 10037-10047, 2022
Small low-temperature district heating network development prospects
A Volkova, I Krupenski, H Pieper, A Ledvanov, E Latőšov, A Siirde
Energy 178, 714-722, 2019
Modelling framework for integration of large-scale heat pumps in district heating using low-temperature heat sources: A case study of Tallinn, Estonia
H Pieper, V Mašatin, A Volkova, T Ommen, B Elmegaard, WB Markussen
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 20, 2019
Method of linear approximation of COP for heat pumps and chillers based on thermodynamic modelling and off-design operation
H Pieper, I Krupenski, WB Markussen, T Ommen, A Siirde, A Volkova
Energy 230, 120743, 2021
Method for assessing heat loss in a district heating network with a focus on the state of insulation and actual demand for useful energy
S Chicherin, V Mašatin, A Siirde, A Volkova
Energies 13 (17), 4505, 2020
GIS-based optimisation for district heating network planning
S Chicherin, A Volkova, E Latőšov
Energy Procedia 149, 635-641, 2018
Large-scale heat pumps for district heating systems in the Baltics: Potential and impact
A Volkova, H Koduvere, H Pieper
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 167, 112749, 2022
Corrosive effects of H2S and NH3 on natural gas piping systems manufactured of carbon steel
E Latosov, M Loorits, B Maaten, A Volkova, S Soosaar
Energy Procedia 128, 316-323, 2017
Methodological approach to determining the effect of parallel energy consumption on district heating system
E Latosov, A Volkova, A Siirde, J Kurnitski, M Thalfeldt
Environmental and Climate Technologies 19 (1), 5-14, 2017
Planning of district heating regions in Estonia
A Volkova, E Latőšov, K Lepiksaar, A Siirde
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 27, 5-15, 2020
Development of a user-friendly mobile app for the national level promotion of the 4th generation district heating
A Volkova, E Latőšov, V Mašatin, A Siirde
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 20, 2019
Damages of the Tallinn district heating networks and indicative parameters for an estimation of the networks general condition
A Hlebnikov, A Volkova, O Dzuba, A Poobus, Ü Kask
Environmental and Climate Technologies 5 (1), 49-55, 2010
A review of low-temperature sub-networks in existing district heating networks: Examples, conditions, replicability
S Puschnigg, G Jauschnik, S Moser, A Volkova, M Linhart
Energy Reports 7, 18-26, 2021
GIS-based approach to identifying potential heat sources for heat pumps and chillers providing district heating and cooling
H Pieper, K Lepiksaar, A Volkova
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 34, 29-44, 2022
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Articles 1–20