Daniel Cunha Elias
Daniel Cunha Elias
Professor adjunto do Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Cited by
Control of graphene's properties by reversible hydrogenation: evidence for graphane
DC Elias, RR Nair, TMG Mohiuddin, SV Morozov, P Blake, MP Halsall, ...
Science 323 (5914), 610-613, 2009
Giant intrinsic carrier mobilities in graphene and its bilayer
SV Morozov, KS Novoselov, MI Katsnelson, F Schedin, DC Elias, ...
Physical review letters 100 (1), 016602, 2008
Cloning of Dirac fermions in graphene superlattices
LA Ponomarenko, RV Gorbachev, GL Yu, DC Elias, R Jalil, AA Patel, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 594-597, 2013
Cross-sectional imaging of individual layers and buried interfaces of graphene-based heterostructures and superlattices
SJ Haigh, A Gholinia, R Jalil, S Romani, L Britnell, DC Elias, ...
Nature materials 11 (9), 764-767, 2012
Dirac cones reshaped by interaction effects in suspended graphene
DC Elias, RV Gorbachev, AS Mayorov, SV Morozov, AA Zhukov, P Blake, ...
Nature Physics 7 (9), 701-704, 2011
Electronic properties of graphene
KS Novoselov, SV Morozov, TMG Mohinddin, LA Ponomarenko, DC Elias, ...
physica status solidi (b) 244 (11), 4106-4111, 2007
Limits on charge carrier mobility in suspended graphene due to flexural phonons
EV Castro, H Ochoa, MI Katsnelson, RV Gorbachev, DC Elias, ...
Physical review letters 105 (26), 266601, 2010
Probing the electronic structure of bilayer graphene by Raman scattering
LM Malard, J Nilsson, DC Elias, JC Brant, F Plentz, ES Alves, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (20), 201401, 2007
Interaction-driven spectrum reconstruction in bilayer graphene
AS Mayorov, DC Elias, M Mucha-Kruczynski, RV Gorbachev, ...
Science 333 (6044), 860-863, 2011
Interaction phenomena in graphene seen through quantum capacitance
GL Yu, R Jalil, B Belle, AS Mayorov, P Blake, F Schedin, SV Morozov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (9), 3282-3286, 2013
How close can one approach the Dirac point in graphene experimentally?
AS Mayorov, DC Elias, IS Mukhin, SV Morozov, LA Ponomarenko, ...
Nano letters 12 (9), 4629-4634, 2012
Determination of LA and TO phonon dispersion relations of graphene near the Dirac point by double resonance Raman scattering
DL Mafra, G Samsonidze, LM Malard, DC Elias, JC Brant, F Plentz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 233407, 2007
Hierarchy of Hofstadter states and replica quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene superlattices
GL Yu, RV Gorbachev, JS Tu, AV Kretinin, Y Cao, R Jalil, F Withers, ...
Nature physics 10 (7), 525-529, 2014
Observation of distinct electron-phonon couplings in gated bilayer graphene
LM Malard, DC Elias, ES Alves, MA Pimenta
Physical review letters 101 (25), 257401, 2008
Raman fingerprint of aligned graphene/h-BN superlattices
A Eckmann, J Park, H Yang, D Elias, AS Mayorov, G Yu, R Jalil, ...
Nano letters 13 (11), 5242-5246, 2013
Graphene in multilayered CPP spin valves
TMG Mohiuddin, E Hill, D Elias, A Zhukov, K Novoselov, A Geim
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11), 2624-2627, 2008
Thermal enhancement of chemical doping in graphene: a Raman spectroscopy study
LM Malard, RL Moreira, DC Elias, F Plentz, ES Alves, MA Pimenta
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (33), 334202, 2010
HPA axis dysregulation, NR3C1 polymorphisms and glucocorticoid receptor isoforms imbalance in metabolic syndrome
CS Martins, D Elias, LM Colli, CE Couri, MCLA Souza, AC Moreira, ...
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 33 (3), e2842, 2017
Dirac cones reshaped by interaction effects in suspended graphene
DC Elias, RV Gorbachev, AS Mayorov, SV Morozov, AA Zhukov, P Blake, ...
Nature Physics 8 (2), 172, 2012
SV Mo rozov, P. Blake, MP Halsall, AC Ferrari, DW Bou khvalov, MI Katsnelson, AK Geim, and KS No voselov
DC Elias, RR Nair, TMG Mohiuddin
Science 323 (5914), 610, 2009
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Articles 1–20