Mashhuda Glencross
Cited by
Cited by
BRDF representation and acquisition
D Guarnera, GC Guarnera, A Ghosh, C Denk, M Glencross
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (2), 625-650, 2016
Modeling the effects of delayed haptic and visual feedback in a collaborative virtual environment
C Jay, M Glencross, R Hubbold
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 14 (2), 8-es, 2007
A network architecture supporting consistent rich behavior in collaborative interactive applications
J Marsh, M Glencross, S Pettifer, R Hubbold
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 12 (3), 405-416, 2006
Drivers behind residential electricity demand fluctuations due to COVID-19 restrictions
S Snow, R Bean, M Glencross, N Horrocks
Energies 13 (21), 5738, 2020
BSSRDF estimation from single images
A Munoz, JI Echevarria, FJ Seron, J Lopez‐Moreno, M Glencross, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (2), 455-464, 2011
Cyber security threats and challenges in collaborative mixed-reality
J Happa, M Glencross, A Steed
Frontiers in ICT 6, 5, 2019
Effective cooperative haptic interaction over the internet
M Glencross, C Jay, J Feasel, L Kohli, M Whitton, R Hubbold
2007 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 115-122, 2007
How people use presentation to search for a link: expanding the understanding of accessibility on the web
C Jay, R Stevens, M Glencross, A Chalmers
Proceedings of the 2006 international cross-disciplinary workshop on Web …, 2006
A perceptually validated model for surface depth hallucination
M Glencross, GJ Ward, F Melendez, C Jay, J Liu, R Hubbold
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 27 (3), 1-8, 2008
Exploiting perception in high-fidelity virtual environments (Additional presentations from the 24th course are available on the citation page)
M Glencross, AG Chalmers, MC Lin, MA Otaduy, D Gutierrez
ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses, 1-es, 2006
Woven fabric model creation from a single image
GC Guarnera, P Hall, A Chesnais, M Glencross
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (5), 1-13, 2017
Using haptic cues to aid nonvisual structure recognition
C Jay, R Stevens, R Hubbold, M Glencross
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 5 (2), 1-14, 2008
Neighbourhood Wattch: Using Speculative Design to Explore Values Around Curtailment and Consent in Household Energy Interactions
S Snow, AH Khan, M Glencross, N Horrocks
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Do solar households want demand response and shared electricity data? Exploring motivation, ability and opportunity in Australia
S Snow, K Chadwick, N Horrocks, A Chapman, M Glencross
Energy Research & Social Science 87, 102480, 2022
Perceptually validated cross-renderer analytical BRDF parameter remapping
D Guarnera, GC Guarnera, M Toscani, M Glencross, B Li, JY Hardeberg, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26 (6), 2258-2272, 2018
Privacy-certification standards for extended-reality devices and services
J Happa, A Steed, M Glencross
2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2021
Material capture and representation with applications in virtual reality
GC Guarnera, A Ghosh, I Hall, M Glencross, D Guarnera
ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Courses, 1-72, 2017
Emotion recognition—Theory or practicality
M Hurst, TW Jackson, M Glencross
18th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2012
eXplainable AI (xai) An introduction to the XAI landscape with practical examples
R Hughes, C Edmond, L Wells, M Glencross, L Zhu, T Bednarz
SIGGRAPH asia 2020 courses, 1-62, 2020
Keeping the power on to home medical devices
R Bean, S Snow, M Glencross, S Viller, N Horrocks
Plos one 15 (7), e0235068, 2020
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Articles 1–20