Sumeet Mishra
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Non-equilibrium microstructure, crystallographic texture and morphological texture synergistically result in unusual mechanical properties of 3D printed 316L stainless steel
S Bahl, S Mishra, KU Yazar, IR Kola, K Chatterjee, S Suwas
Additive Manufacturing 28, 65-77, 2019
Effect of crystallographic texture on precipitation induced anisotropy in an aluminium magnesium silicon alloy
S Mishra, K Kulkarni, NP Gurao
Materials & Design 87, 507-519, 2015
Effect of cross-rolling on microstructure and texture evolution and tensile behavior of aluminium-copper-lithium (AA2195) alloy
N Nayan, S Mishra, A Prakash, S Murty, M Prasad, I Samajdar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 740, 252-261, 2019
Texture control to reduce yield strength anisotropy in the third generation aluminum-copper-lithium alloy: Experiments and modeling
S Mishra, M Suresh, AM More, A Bisht, N Nayan, S Suwas
Materials Science and Engineering: A 799, 140047, 2021
Texture induced planar anisotropy of dwell fatigue response in titanium: Insights from experiments and crystal plasticity simulations
KU Yazar, S Mishra, L Kumar, S Bahl, TK Kumar, S Suwas
International Journal of Plasticity 152, 103140, 2022
A new phenomenological approach for modeling strain hardening behavior of face centered cubic materials
S Mishra, M Yadava, KN Kulkarni, NP Gurao
Acta Materialia 178, 99-113, 2019
A modified Taylor model for predicting yield strength anisotropy in age hardenable aluminium alloys
S Mishra, M Yadava, K Kulkarni, NP Gurao
Materials Science and Engineering: A 699, 217-228, 2017
On the temperature sensitivity of dwell fatigue of a near alpha titanium alloy: role of strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity
KU Yazar, S Mishra, A Karmakar, A Bhattacharjee, S Suwas
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 5036-5042, 2020
Elucidating the deformation modes in incremental sheet forming process: insights from crystallographic texture, microstructure and mechanical properties
S Mishra, KU Yazar, AM More, L Kumar, R Lingam, NV Reddy, O Prakash, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 790, 139311, 2020
Stress relaxation behavior of an aluminium magnesium silicon alloy in different temper condition
S Mishra, M Yadava, KN Kulkarni, NP Gurao
Mechanics of Materials 125, 80-93, 2018
Evolution of texture and microstructure during high strain rate torsion of aluminium zinc magnesium copper alloy
S Tiwari, S Mishra, A Odeshi, JA Szpunar, M Chopkar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 683, 94-102, 2017
Deformation behaviour of Al–Cu–Li alloy containing T1 precipitates
S Mishra, VK Beura, A Singh, M Yadava, N Nayan
Materials Science and Technology 34 (17), 2105-2113, 2018
Origin of through-thickness serrated tensile flow behavior in Al–Cu–Li (AA2195) alloy: Effect of microstructure and texture
N Nayan, S Mishra, A Prakash, R Sarkar, S Murty, M Yadava, M Prasad, ...
Materialia 5, 100180, 2019
A Perspective on Strain Hardening Behavior of Materials Considering Mobile Dislocation Density and Activation Volume
S Mishra, A Singh, VK Beura, M Yadava
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1–6, 2019
Deciphering the deformation mechanism in single point incremental forming: experimental and numerical investigation
KU Yazar, S Mishra, K Narasimhan, PP Date
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101, 2355-2366, 2019
Effect of temper condition on stress relaxation behavior of an aluminum copper lithium alloy
S Mishra, VK Beura, A Singh, M Yadava, N Nayan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 2631-2643, 2018
Rate sensitive behavior of obstacles in age hardenable aluminum alloys
S Mishra, VK Beura, A Singh, M Yadava, N Nayan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 729, 102-105, 2018
A robust phenomenological modeling framework based on cross-slip propensity factor for capturing the effect of dynamic strain aging on work hardening behavior of an Al-Mg alloy
S Samanta, JR Sahoo, S Mishra
Acta Materialia 254, 119014, 2023
Microcrack formation under normal and dwell fatigue of IMI 834
KU Yazar, S Bahl, S Mishra, VK Sahu, A Bhattacharjee, D Banerjee, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 175, 107724, 2023
Finite Element Modeling of Hot Compression Testing of Titanium Alloys
P Jedrasiak, H Shercliff, S Mishra, CS Daniel, JQ da Fonseca
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31 (9), 7160-7175, 2022
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Articles 1–20