Rustam I. Khaibullin
Rustam I. Khaibullin
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS
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Optics of metal nanoparticles fabricated in organic matrix by ion implantation
AL Stepanov, RI Khaibullin
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 7 (2), 108-125, 2004
Formation of metal-polymer composites by ion implantation
AL Stepanov, SN Abdullin, VY Petukhov, YN Osin, RI Khaibullin, ...
Philosophical Magazine B 80 (1), 23-28, 2000
High Curie-temperature ferromagnetism in cobalt-implanted single-crystalline rutile
RI Khaibullin, LR Tagirov, BZ Rameev, SZ Ibragimov, F Yildiz, B Aktaş
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (41), L443, 2004
High-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-implanted TiO2 rutile
N Akdogan, A Nefedov, H Zabel, K Westerholt, HW Becker, C Somsen, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (11), 115005, 2009
Ion synthesis of iron granular films in polyimide
RI Khaibullin, VN Popok, VV Bazarov, EP Zheglov, BZ Rameev, C Okay, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2002
Radiation-induced change of polyimide properties under high-fluence and high ion current density implantation
VN Popok, II Azarko, RI Khaibullin, AL Stepanov, V Hnatowicz, A Mackova, ...
Applied Physics A 78, 1067-1072, 2004
Dose dependence of ferromagnetism in Co-implanted ZnO
N Akdogan, H Zabel, A Nefedov, K Westerholt, HW Becker, S Gök, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (4), 2009
Intrinsic room temperature ferromagnetism in Co-implanted ZnO
N Akdogan, A Nefedov, K Westerholt, H Zabel, HW Becker, C Somsen, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (16), 165001, 2008
Anomalous depth distribution of Fe and Co atoms in polyimide implanted to high fluence
VN Popok, RI Khaibullin, VV Bazarov, VF Valeev, V Hnatowicz, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2002
Coloration of natural beryl by iron ion implantation
RI Khaibullin, ON Lopatin, FG Vagizov, VV Bazarov, AI Bakhtin, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2003
Nonlinear optical properties of copper nanoparticles synthesized in indium tin oxide matrix by ion implantation
AI Ryasnyansky, B Palpant, S Debrus, RI Khaibullin, AL Stepanov
JOSA B 23 (7), 1348-1353, 2006
Anisotropy of ferromagnetism in Co-implanted rutile
N Akdogan, BZ Rameev, L Dorosinsky, H Sozeri, RI Khaibullin, B Aktaş, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (34), L359, 2005
High fluence ion beam modification of polymer surfaces: EPR and XPS studies
VN Popok, II Azarko, VB Odzhaev, A Tóth, RI Khaibullin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2001
Ion synthesis of colloidal silver nanoclusters in the organic substrate
AL Stepanov, SN Abdullin, RI Khaibullin, VF Valeev, YN Osin, VV Bazarov, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 392, 267, 1995
Anisotropic ferromagnetism in Co-implanted TiO2 rutile
N Akdogan, BZ Rameev, RI Khaibullin, A Westphalen, LR Tagirov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300 (1), e4-e7, 2006
Synthesis of metal/polymer composite films by implantation of Fe and Ag ions in viscous and solid state silicone substrates
RI Khaibullin, YN Osin, AL Stepanov, IB Khaibullin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1999
EPR study of Mn-implanted single crystal plates of TiO2 rutile
S Güler, B Rameev, RI Khaibullin, ON Lopatin, B Aktaş
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 322 (8), L13-L17, 2010
Structural and magnetic studies of thin Fe57 films formed by ion beam assisted deposition
NM Lyadov, VV Bazarov, FG Vagizov, IR Vakhitov, EN Dulov, ...
Applied Surface Science 378, 114-119, 2016
Spin polarization of oxygen atoms in ferromagnetic Co-doped rutile TiO2
A Nefedov, N Akdogan, H Zabel, RI Khaibullin, LR Tagirov
Applied physics letters 89 (18), 2006
Ferromagnetic resonance study of iron implanted PET foils
C Okay, BZ Rameev, RI Khaibullin, M Okutan, F Yildiz, VN Popok, B Aktas
physica status solidi (a) 203 (7), 1525-1532, 2006
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Articles 1–20