Orest Ivakhiv
Orest Ivakhiv
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Tiny ultraviolet polarimeter for earth stratosphere from space investigation
P Nevodovskyi, O Morozhenko, O Vidmachenko, O Ivakhiv, ...
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015
Reliable stratospheric aerosol of the earth's atmosphere observations
P Nevodovskyi, O Vidmachenko, A Morozhenko, O Ivakhiv, O Zbrutskyi, ...
2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and …, 2018
Intelligent programmable measurement system
O Ivakhiv, A Kowalczyk, R Velgan
Proceedings of the XVI IMEKO World Congress 9, 25-28, 2000
Efficient encoding and transmission of monitoring data in information-efficient wireless networks
B Shevchuk, O Ivakhiv, M Geraimchuk, Y Brayko
2016 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences …, 2016
Production quality testing with immitance sensors using instrumentation
O Ivakhiv, P Ye, P Stolyarchuk
VII Konferencja naukowa “Czujniki optoelektroniczne I elektroniczne”(COE …, 2002
Control system of robot movement
Y Hirnyak, O Ivakhiv, M Nakonechnyi, T Repetylo
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2013
Remote Study of the Earth Stratospheric Aerosol
P Nevodovskyi, A Vidmachenko, O Ivakhiv, O Zbrutskyi, M Geraimchuk, ...
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2019
New type of piezoresistive pressure sensors for environments with rapidly changing temperature
M Tykhan, O Ivakhiv, V Teslyuk
Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2017
Основи побудови перспективних безпроводових сенсорних мереж. Монографія
МД Гераїмчук, ОВ Івахів, МІ Паламар, БМ Шевчук
К.: ЕКМО, 2010
Neural controller for designing of nanopositioning systems
O Bazylevych, Y Hirnyak, O Ivakhiv
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2009
Highly information and energy-efficient monitoring data transmission in iot networks
B Shevchuk, MD Geraimchuk, O Ivakhiv, Y Brayko
Journal of mobile multimedia, 465-498, 2021
Developing the Automatic Control System Based on Neural Controller
J Su, M Nakonechnyi, O Ivakhiv, A Sachenko
Information Technology And Control 44 (3), 262-270, 2015
Rule-based fuzzy system of improved accuracy
O Tkatchenko, R Tkachenko, Y Hirniak, O Ivakhiv, P Mushenyk
Conference proceedings: 56th International Scientific Colloquium (IWK …, 2011
The stand for research and testing of layout of ultraviolet photo-polarimeter (UPP)
RR Sorochynskyi, PV Nevodovskyi, AP Vidmachenko, MD Herayimchuk, ...
18 International scientific conference Astronomical School of Young …, 2016
Про застосування ультрафіолетової поляриметрії для супутникових досліджень стратосферного аерозолю Землі
ОВ Мороженко, ПВ Неводовський, АП Відьмаченко, МД Гераїмчук, ...
Український метрологічний журнал, 27-32, 2014
Flexible sampling frame measurement system
O Bazylevych, O Ivakhiv, SP Yatsyshyn
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 51 (2), 203-206, 2002
Defect detection on the surface of the technical ceramics using image processing and deep learning algorithms
D Havryliv, O Ivakhiv, M Semenchenko
2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics …, 2020
Information state of system estimation
O Ivakhiv
International Journal of Computing 15 (1), 31-39, 2016
Intelligent system for testing of object information state
O Ivakhiv, P Mushenyk, O Bazylevych
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data …, 2011
Investigation of the Control Law Influence on the Dynamic Characteristics of Vehicle Movement Control System Model
M Nakonechnyi, O Ivakhiv, R Velgan, M Geraimchuk, O Viter
2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics …, 2020
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