Agung Toto Wibowo
Agung Toto Wibowo
Dosen Teknik Informatika - Universitas Telkom
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Cited by
From citizen science to citizen action: analysing the potential for a digital platform to cultivate attachments to nature
N Sharma, S Greaves, A Siddharthan, HB Anderson, AM Robinson, ...
Journal of Science Communication, 2019
Comparison between fingerprint and winnowing algorithm to detect plagiarism fraud on Bahasa Indonesia documents
AT Wibowo, KW Sudarmadi, AM Barmawi
2013 International Conference of Information and Communication Technology …, 2013
Evolutionary rao algorithm
S Suyanto, AT Wibowo, S Al Faraby, S Saadah, R Rismala
Journal of Computational Science 53, 101368, 2021
Incorporating Constraints into Matrix Factorization for Clothes Package Recommendation
AT Wibowo, A Siddharthan, J Masthoff, C Lin
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2018
Artificial fish swarm algorithm for job shop scheduling problem
D Pythaloka, AT Wibowo, MD Sulistiyo
2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2015
Matrix factorization for package recommendations
AT Wibowo, A Siddharthan, C Lin, J Masthoff
Proceedings of the RecSys 2017 Workshop on Recommendation in Complex …, 2017
Movie Recommendation System Based on Synopsis Using Content-Based Filtering with TF-IDF and Cosine Similarity
AHJPJ Permana, AT Wibowo
International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT) 9 …, 2023
Bumblebee friendly planting recommendations with citizen science data
AT Wibowo, A Siddharthan, H Anderson, A Robinson, N Sharma, ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recommender Systems for …, 2017
Generating Pseudotransactions for Improving Sparse Matrix Factorization
AT Wibowo
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 439-442, 2016
Malaria Incidence Forecasting from Incidence Record and Weather Pattern Using Polynomial Neural Network
A Arifianto, AM Barmawi, AT Wibowo
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication 3 (1), 60-65, 2014
Collaborative filtering based food recommendation system using matrix factorization
MBS Siddik, AT Wibowo
Jurnal Media Informatika Budidarma 7 (3), 1041-1049, 2023
Indonesian Hadith Retrieval System using thesaurus
I Rasyidi, A Romadhony, AT Wibowo
International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its …, 2013
Non-Relevant Document Reduction in Anti-Plagiarism Using Asymmetric Similarity and AVL Tree Index
A Oktoveri, AT Wibowo, AM Barmawi
Analisis Metode Occlusion Based Pada Augmented Reality Studi Kasus : Interaksi Dengan Objek Virtual Secara Real Time Menggunakan Gerakan Marker
W Danto, AT Wibowo, B Purnama
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia (SNASTIA), 2011
Hit-lidia: A framework for rice leaf disease classification using ensemble and hierarchical transfer learning
OV Putra, N Trisnaningrum, NS Puspitasari, AT Wibowo, E Rachmawaty
Lontar Komputer: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi 13 (3), 196, 2022
Leveraging side information to anime recommender system using deep learning
N Nuurshadieq, AT Wibowo
2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2020
Pelatihan Berpikir Komputasional untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Telkom Schools sebagai Bagian dari Gerakan PANDAI
M Arzaki, S Meliana, E Rachmawati, A Romadhony, AT Wibowo, ...
I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal 3 (3), 1119-1138, 2023
An optimized rice leaf disease classification using transfer learning and balanced class weight distribution based on bandit approach
OV Putra, N Trisnaningrum, NS Puspitasari, AT Wibowo, E Rachmawaty
2022 5th International Conference on Information and Communications …, 2022
Analisis Korelasi Nilai Microteaching Guru dengan Kemampuan Pembuatan Soal yang Mengintegrasikan Berpikir Komputasional pada Mata Pelajaran Melalui Gerakan PANDAI
M Arzaki, A Romadhony, PH Gunawan, RW Ciptasari, FA Yulianto, ...
Prosiding COSECANT: Community Service and Engagement Seminar 1 (2), 2022
Package recommender systems: A systematic review
SN van Schaik, J Masthoff, AT Wibowo
Intelligent Decision Technologies 13 (4), 435-452, 2019
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Articles 1–20