Eliseo Sarmiento Rosales
Eliseo Sarmiento Rosales
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ipn.mx
The minimum distance of parameterized codes on projective tori
E Sarmiento, M Vaz Pinto, RH Villarreal
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 22 (4), 249-264, 2011
Parameterized affine codes
H López, E Sarmiento, M Pinto, R Villarreal
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 49 (3), 406-418, 2012
Parameterized codes over some embedded sets and their applications to complete graphs
M González Sarabia, C Rentería Márquez, E Sarmiento Rosales
Mathematical Communications 18 (2), 377-391, 2013
The second generalized Hamming weight of some evaluation codes arising from a projective torus
MG Sarabia, E Camps, E Sarmiento, RH Villarreal
Finite Fields and Their Applications 52, 370-394, 2018
On the vanishing ideal of an algebraic toric set and its parametrized linear codes
E Sarmiento, MV Pinto, RH Villarreal
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 11 (04), 1250072, 2012
Polar decreasing monomial-Cartesian codes
E Camps, HH López, GL Matthews, E Sarmiento
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67 (6), 3664-3674, 2020
Parameterized codes over cycles
MG Sarabia, JN Lara, CR Márquez, ES Rosales
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii" Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică …, 2013
Projective parameterized linear codes
MG Sarabia, CR Márquez, ES Rosales
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii" Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică …, 2015
Vardøhus codes: Polar codes based on castle curves kernels
EC Moreno, E Martínez-Moro, ES Rosales
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66 (2), 1007-1022, 2019
On the connectedness and diameter of a geometric Johnson graph
C Bautista-Santiago, J Cano, R Fabila-Monroy, D Flores-Peñaloza, ...
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 15 (Combinatorics), 2013
On the generalized Hamming weights of hyperbolic codes
E Camps-Moreno, I García-Marco, HH López, I Márquez-Corbella, ...
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 23 (07), 2550062, 2024
Powers of principal Q-Borel ideals
E Camps-Moreno, C Kohne, E Sarmiento, A Van Tuyl
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 65 (3), 633-652, 2022
Monomial-Cartesian codes closed under divisibility
ES Eduardo Camps, Hiram H. López, Gretchen L. Matthews
Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Finite Fields Appl., 199-208, 2020
Parameterized codes associated to the edges of some subgraphs of a simple graph
MG Sarabia, ES Rosales
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 26 (6), 493-505, 2015
On the Waldschmidt constant of square-free principal Borel ideals
E Camps Moreno, C Kohne, E Sarmiento, A Van Tuyl
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (10), 4145-4157, 2022
On decoding hyperbolic codes
E Camps-Moreno, I García-Marco, HH López, I Márquez-Corbella, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.17777, 2025
Owings-like results for infinitely many colours or finite monochromatic sets
DJ Fernández-Bretón, ES Rosales, G Vera
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13124, 2024
The dual of a constacyclic code, self dual, reversible constacyclic codes and constacyclic codes with complementary duals over finite local Frobenius non-chain rings with …
CA Castillo-Guillén, C Rentería-Márquez, E Sarmiento-Rosales, ...
Discrete Mathematics 342 (8), 2283-2296, 2019
Relative generalized minimum distance functions
M González-Sarabia, E Uribe-Paczka, E Sarmiento, C Renteria
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (2022, to appear), 2019
On the affine permutation group of certain decreasing Cartesian codes
E Camps-Moreno, HH López, E Sarmiento, I Soprunov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.08112, 2024
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