Marcus Olavi Rüter
Marcus Olavi Rüter
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An arbitrary order variationally consistent integration for Galerkin meshfree methods
JS Chen, M Hillman, M Rüter
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 95 (5), 387-418, 2013
The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, HE Fang, TE Cordova, MK Neilsen, K Dion, ...
International Journal of Fracture 186, 5-68, 2014
Analysis, finite element computation and error estimation in transversely isotropic nearly incompressible finite elasticity
M Rüter, E Stein
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 190 (5-7), 519-541, 2000
Finite element methods for elasticity with error‐controlled discretization and model adaptivity
E Stein, M Olavi Rüter
Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition, 1-96, 2018
Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimates in linear elastic fracture mechanics
M Rüter, E Stein
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (4-6), 251-278, 2006
Adaptive finite element analysis and modelling of solids and structures. Findings, problems and trends
E Stein, M Rüter, S Ohnimus
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (1), 103-138, 2004
Error-controlled adaptive goal-oriented modeling and finite element approximations in elasticity
E Stein, M Rüter, S Ohnimus
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196 (37-40), 3598-3613, 2007
An explicit residual‐type error estimator for‐quadrilateral extended finite element method in two‐dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics
T Gerasimov, M Rüter, E Stein
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 90 (9), 1118-1155, 2012
Goal-oriented explicit residual-type error estimates in XFEM
M Rüter, T Gerasimov, E Stein
Computational Mechanics 52 (2), 361-376, 2013
Corrected stabilized non-conforming nodal integration in meshfree methods
M Rüter, M Hillman, JS Chen
Meshfree methods for partial differential equations VI, 75-92, 2013
Adaptive finite element analysis of crack propagation in elastic fracture mechanics based on averaging techniques
M Rüter, E Stein
Computational materials science 31 (3-4), 247-257, 2004
Goal-oriented error estimates based on different FE-spaces for the primal and the dual problem with applications to fracture mechanics
M Rüter, S Korotov, C Steenbock
Computational Mechanics 39, 787-797, 2007
Error-controlled adaptive finite element methods in large strain hyperelasticity and fracture mechanics
M Rüter
Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik, 2004
Implicit upper bound error estimates for combined expansive model and discretization adaptivity
E Stein, M Rüter, S Ohnimus
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (37-40), 2626-2638, 2011
Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimates in elastic fracture mechanics
M Rüter, E Stein
Fifth world congress on computational mechanics, Vienna, Austria, 2002
On the duality of global finite element discretization error-control in small strain Newtonian and Eshelbian mechanics
M Rüter, E Stein
Technische Mechanik-European Journal of Engineering Mechanics 23 (2-4), 265-282, 2003
An enhanced-strain error estimator for Galerkin meshfree methods based on stabilized conforming nodal integration
MO Rüter, JS Chen
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 74 (9), 2144-2171, 2017
Error-controlled adaptive mixed finite element methods for second-order elliptic equations
M Rüter, R Stenberg
Computational Mechanics 42, 447-456, 2008
Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in nonlinear elasticity
M Rüter, E Stein, F Larsson, P Hansbo, K Runesson
Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2001
Goal-oriented residual error estimates for XFEM approximations in LEFM
M Rüter, E Stein
Recent developments and innovative applications in computational mechanics …, 2011
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Articles 1–20