xuexiang li
xuexiang li
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Observation of a Charged Charmoniumlike Structure in e+ e-→ π+ π-J/ψ at s<? format?>=<? format?> 4.26 GeV
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, XC Ai, O Albayrak, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, ...
Physical review letters 110 (25), 252001, 2013
Dark matter results from 54-ton-day exposure of PandaX-II experiment
X Cui, A Abdukerim, W Chen, X Chen, Y Chen, B Dong, D Fang, C Fu, ...
Physical review letters 119 (18), 181302, 2017
Dark matter results from first 98.7 days of data from the PandaX-II experiment
A Tan, M Xiao, X Cui, X Chen, Y Chen, D Fang, C Fu, K Giboni, F Giuliani, ...
Physical review letters 117 (12), 121303, 2016
Incidence of open-angle glaucoma: the Barbados Eye Studies
MC Leske, AMS Connell, SY Wu, B Nemesure, X Li, A Schachat, ...
Archives of ophthalmology 119 (1), 89-95, 2001
Genome-wide association study of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese subjects identifies a susceptibility locus at PLCE1
LD Wang, FY Zhou, XM Li, LD Sun, X Song, Y Jin, JM Li, GQ Kong, H Qi, ...
Nature genetics 42 (9), 759-763, 2010
Search for hadronic transition and observation of
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, ZH An, JZ Bai, Y Ban, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (1), 012002, 2013
China’s urban expansion from 1990 to 2010 determined with satellite remote sensing
L Wang, CC Li, Q Ying, X Cheng, XY Wang, XY Li, LY Hu, L Liang, L Yu, ...
Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 2802-2812, 2012
Novel recurrently mutated genes and a prognostic mutation signature in colorectal cancer
J Yu, WKK Wu, X Li, J He, XX Li, SSM Ng, C Yu, Z Gao, J Yang, M Li, ...
Gut 64 (4), 636-645, 2015
Precision measurement of the integrated luminosity of the data taken by BESIII at center-of-mass energies between 3.810 GeV and 4.600 GeV
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, DJ Ambrose, ...
Chinese Physics C 39 (9), 093001, 2015
Limits on WIMP-nucleon interactions with CsI (Tl) crystal detectors
HS Lee, HC Bhang, JH Choi, H Dao, IS Hahn, MJ Hwang, SW Jung, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.0423, 2007
Observation of in
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, DJ Ambrose, ...
Physical review letters 115 (11), 112003, 2015
Measurement of the proton form factor by studying
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, DJ Ambrose, ...
Physical Review D 91 (11), 112004, 2015
Spin-dependent weakly-interacting-massive-particle–nucleon cross section limits from first data of PandaX-II experiment
C Fu, X Cui, X Zhou, X Chen, Y Chen, D Fang, K Giboni, F Giuliani, K Han, ...
Physical review letters 118 (7), 071301, 2017
Study of at Center of Mass Energies from 4.21 to 4.42 GeV
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, DJ Ambrose, ...
Physical review letters 114 (9), 092003, 2015
First Observation of Decays into
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, D Alberto, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, ZH An, ...
Physical review letters 108 (18), 182001, 2012
MRI assessment of paraspinal muscles in patients with acute and chronic unilateral low back pain
Q Wan, C Lin, X Li, W Zeng, C Ma
The British journal of radiology 88 (1053), 20140546, 2015
Study of , via exclusive decays
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, O Albayrak, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, JZ Bai, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (9), 092009, 2012
Measurements of Z0→ bb decays and the semileptonic branching ratio BR (b→ ℓ+ X)
B Adeva, O Adriani, M Aguilar-Benitez, H Akbari, J Alcaraz, A Aloisio, ...
Physics Letters B 261 (1-2), 177-187, 1991
Spin-Parity Analysis of Mass Threshold Structure in and Radiative Decays
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, D Alberto, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, ZH An, ...
Physical review letters 108 (11), 112003, 2012
Determination of the number of J/ψ events with J/ψ→ inclusive decays
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, DJ Ambrose, FF An, Q An, ZH An, JZ Bai, Y Ban, ...
Chinese Physics C 36 (10), 915, 2012
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