Maksimenko Vladimir
Maksimenko Vladimir
National University of Singapore
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Cited by
Physical principles of brain–computer interfaces and their applications for rehabilitation, robotics and control of human brain states
AE Hramov, VA Maksimenko, AN Pisarchik
Physics Reports 918, 1-133, 2021
Visual and kinesthetic modes affect motor imagery classification in untrained subjects
P Chholak, G Niso, VA Maksimenko, SA Kurkin, NS Frolov, EN Pitsik, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9838, 2019
Absence seizure control by a brain computer interface
VA Maksimenko, S Van Heukelum, VV Makarov, J Kelderhuis, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 2487, 2017
Excitation and suppression of chimera states by multiplexing
VA Maksimenko, VV Makarov, BK Bera, D Ghosh, SK Dana, ...
Physical Review E 94 (5), 052205, 2016
Artificial Neural Network Classification of Motor‐Related EEG: An Increase in Classification Accuracy by Reducing Signal Complexity
VA Maksimenko, SA Kurkin, EN Pitsik, VY Musatov, AE Runnova, ...
Complexity 2018 (1), 9385947, 2018
From novel technology to novel applications: Comment on “An integrated brain-machine interface platform with thousands of channels” by Elon Musk and Neuralink
AN Pisarchik, VA Maksimenko, AE Hramov
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (10), e16356, 2019
Methods of automated absence seizure detection, interference by stimulation, and possibilities for prediction in genetic absence models
G van Luijtelaar, A Lüttjohann, VV Makarov, VA Maksimenko, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 260, 144-158, 2016
Nonlinear analysis of brain activity, associated with motor action and motor imaginary in untrained subjects
VA Maksimenko, A Pavlov, AE Runnova, V Nedaivozov, V Grubov, ...
Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 2803-2817, 2018
Statistical properties and predictability of extreme epileptic events
NS Frolov, VV Grubov, VA Maksimenko, A Lüttjohann, VV Makarov, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7243, 2019
Classifying the perceptual interpretations of a bistable image using EEG and artificial neural networks
AE Hramov, VA Maksimenko, SV Pchelintseva, AE Runnova, VV Grubov, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 674, 2017
Visual perception affected by motivation and alertness controlled by a noninvasive brain-computer interface
VA Maksimenko, AE Runnova, MO Zhuravlev, VV Makarov, ...
PloS one 12 (12), e0188700, 2017
Macroscopic and microscopic spectral properties of brain networks during local and global synchronization
VA Maksimenko, A Lüttjohann, VV Makarov, MV Goremyko, ...
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012316, 2017
Artificial neural network detects human uncertainty
AE Hramov, NS Frolov, VA Maksimenko, VV Makarov, AA Koronovskii, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (3), 2018
Subterahertz chaos generation by coupling a superlattice to a linear resonator
AE Hramov, VV Makarov, AA Koronovskii, SA Kurkin, MB Gaifullin, ...
Physical review letters 112 (11), 116603, 2014
Betweenness centrality in multiplex brain network during mental task evaluation
VV Makarov, MO Zhuravlev, AE Runnova, P Protasov, VA Maksimenko, ...
Physical Review E 98 (6), 062413, 2018
Age-related slowing down in the motor initiation in elderly adults
NS Frolov, EN Pitsik, VA Maksimenko, VV Grubov, AR Kiselev, Z Wang, ...
Plos one 15 (9), e0233942, 2020
Neural interactions in a spatially-distributed cortical network during perceptual decision-making
VA Maksimenko, NS Frolov, AE Hramov, AE Runnova, VV Grubov, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 13, 220, 2019
Increasing human performance by sharing cognitive load using brain-to-brain interface
VA Maksimenko, AE Hramov, NS Frolov, A Lüttjohann, VO Nedaivozov, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 949, 2018
Functional networks of the brain: from connectivity restoration to dynamic integration
AE Hramov, NS Frolov, VA Maksimenko, SA Kurkin, VB Kazantsev, ...
Physics-Uspekhi 64 (6), 584, 2021
Multiscale neural connectivity during human sensory processing in the brain
VA Maksimenko, AE Runnova, NS Frolov, VV Makarov, V Nedaivozov, ...
Physical Review E 97 (5), 052405, 2018
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Articles 1–20