Kelly Rader
Kelly Rader
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Dipole model explaining high-k/metal gate field effect transistor threshold voltage tuning
PD Kirsch, P Sivasubramani, J Huang, CD Young, MA Quevedo-Lopez, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92, 092901, 2008
Nano-materials enabled thermoelectricity from window glasses
SB Inayat, KR Rader, MM Hussain
Scientific reports 2 (1), 841, 2012
Effective modulation of Ni silicide Schottky barrier height using chlorine ion implantation and segregation
WY Loh, H Etienne, B Coss, I Ok, D Turnbaugh, Y Spiegel, F Torregrosa, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 30 (11), 1140-1142, 2009
Exploring SiSn as a performance enhancing semiconductor: A theoretical and experimental approach
AM Hussain, N Singh, H Fahad, K Rader, U Schwingenschlögl, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (22), 2014
Chemical vapor deposition based tungsten disulfide (WS2) thin film transistor
AM Hussain, GAT Sevilla, KR Rader, MM Hussain
2013 Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics …, 2013
Manufacturing of Thermoelectric Nanomaterials (Bi0. 4Sb1. 6Te3/Bi1. 75Te3. 25) and Integration into Window Glasses for Thermoelectricity Generation
SB Inayat, KR Rader, MM Hussain
Energy Technology 2 (3), 292-299, 2014
Acetic acid-confined synthesis of uniform three-dimensional (3D) bismuth telluride nanocrystals consisting of few-quintuple-layer nanoplatelets
Q Yuan, K Radar, MM Hussain
Chem. Commun. 47 (44), 12131-12133, 2011
Aggressively scaled high-k gate dielectric with excellent performance and high temperature stability for 32nm and beyond
P Sivasubramani, PD Kirsch, J Huang, C Park, YN Tan, DC Gilmer, ...
2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 543-546, 2007
Role of metal/silicon semiconductor contact engineering for enhanced output current in micro‐sized microbial fuel cells
J Mink, J Rojas, K Rader, MM Hussain
physica status solidi (a) 211 (3), 551-554, 2014
Alternative approaches for high-k/metal gate CMOS: Low temperature process (gate last) and SiGe channel
CS Park, MM Hussain, K Tateiwa, J Huang, J Lin, T Ngai, S Lian, K Rader, ...
Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, System and …, 2010
A scalable and highly manufacturable single metal gate/high-k CMOS integration for sub-32nm technology for LSTP applications
CS Park, MM Hussain, J Huang, C Park, K Tateiwa, C Young, HK Park, ...
2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology, 208-209, 2009
Exploring SiSn as channel material for LSTP device applications
AM Hussain, HM Fahad, N Singh, KR Rader, GAT Sevilla, ...
71st Device Research Conference, 93-94, 2013
Understanding strain effects on double-gate FinFET drive-current enhancement, hot-carrier reliability and ring-oscillator delay performance via uniaxial wafer bending experiments
S Suthram, HR Harris, MM Hussain, C Smith, CD Young, JW Yang, ...
VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications, 2008. VLSI-TSA 2008 …, 2008
Ultra low power sub-100nm laterally actuated nano-electromechanical (NEM) switch in an industry standard process flow for logic and memory applications
MM Hussain, CE Smith, D Elata, K Akarvardar, R Parsa, K Yoo, J Provine, ...
Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Advanced Materials and Technologies …, 2009
Cover Picture: Manufacturing of Thermoelectric Nanomaterials (Bi0. 4Sb1. 6Te3/Bi1. 75Te3. 25) and Integration into Window Glasses for Thermoelectricity Generation (Energy …
SB Inayat, KR Rader, MM Hussain
Energy Technology 2 (3), 221-221, 2014
Additive process induced strain (APIS) technology for L g= 30 nm band-edge high-k/metal gate nMOSFET
MM Hussain, K Rader, C Smith, C Young, S Suthram, C Park, M Cruz, ...
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 7, 2008
A new Setup for probing condensed matter in the Far IR to THz ranges at sub-Kelvin temperatures on the AILES beamline at SOLEIL
B Langerome, T Souske, K Rader, M Verseils, T Lyu, S de Brion, ...
Infrared Physics & Technology 107, 103223, 2020
Role of metal/silicon semiconductor contact engineering for enhanced output current in micro‐sized microbial fuel cells (Phys. Status Solidi A 3∕ 2014)
J Mink, J Rojas, K Rader, MM Hussain
physica status solidi (a) 211 (3), 550-550, 2014
Characterization Scheme for III-V Junction Development
PY Hung, C McDonough, R Geer, RJ Hill, C Deeb, K Rader, R Jammy
ECS Transactions 35 (3), 319, 2011
Development of Etch Processes for High-k Dielectric CMOS Devices with LaOx/HfO2 and LaOx/HfSiO Gate Oxides
K Rader, C Ventrice, P Lysaght
APS Texas Sections Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009
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Articles 1–20