Hamidreza Pourreza
Hamidreza Pourreza
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Intelligent video surveillance for monitoring fall detection of elderly in home environments
H Foroughi, BS Aski, H Pourreza
2008 11th international conference on computer and information technology …, 2008
Fuzzy running average and fuzzy background subtraction: concepts and application
MH Sigari, N Mozayani, H Pourreza
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 8 (2), 138-143, 2008
Improvement of retinal blood vessel detection using morphological component analysis
E Imani, M Javidi, HR Pourreza
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 118 (3), 263-279, 2015
Identification of nine Iranian wheat seed varieties by textural analysis with image processing
A Pourreza, H Pourreza, MH Abbaspour-Fard, H Sadrnia
Computers and electronics in agriculture 83, 102-108, 2012
Microaneurysm detection in fundus images using a two-step convolutional neural network
N Eftekhari, HR Pourreza, M Masoudi, K Ghiasi-Shirazi, E Saeedi
Biomedical engineering online 18, 1-16, 2019
Automated characterization of blood vessels as arteries and veins in retinal images
Q Mirsharif, F Tajeripour, H Pourreza
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 37 (7-8), 607-617, 2013
An effective hair removal algorithm for dermoscopy images
MTB Toossi, HR Pourreza, H Zare, MH Sigari, P Layegh, A Azimi
Skin Research and Technology 19 (3), 230-235, 2013
Vessel segmentation and microaneurysm detection using discriminative dictionary learning and sparse representation
M Javidi, HR Pourreza, A Harati
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 139, 93-108, 2017
Deep learning approaches on image captioning: A review
T Ghandi, H Pourreza, H Mahyar
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (3), 1-39, 2023
A novel method for retinal exudate segmentation using signal separation algorithm
E Imani, HR Pourreza
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 133, 195-205, 2016
Offline handwritten signature identification and verification using contourlet transform
MR Pourshahabi, MH Sigari, HR Pourreza
2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 670-673, 2009
A complementary method for automated detection of microaneurysms in fluorescein angiography fundus images to assess diabetic retinopathy
M Tavakoli, RP Shahri, H Pourreza, A Mehdizadeh, T Banaee, MHB Toosi
Pattern Recognition 46 (10), 2740-2753, 2013
Vehicle recognition using curvelet transform and SVM
FM Kazemi, S Samadi, HR Poorreza, MR Akbarzadeh-T
Fourth international conference on information technology (ITNG'07), 516-521, 2007
Offline signature verification using local radon transform and support vector machines
V Kiani, R Pourreza, HR Pourreza
International journal of Image Processing (IJIP) 3 (5), 2010
Fully automated diabetic retinopathy screening using morphological component analysis
E Imani, HR Pourreza, T Banaee
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 43, 78-88, 2015
Fast and accurate pupil positioning algorithm using circular Hough transform and gray projection
M Soltany, ST Zadeh, HR Pourreza
International Conference on Computer Communication and Management 211, 556-561, 2011
A new dataset of computed-tomography angiography images for computer-aided detection of pulmonary embolism
M Masoudi, HR Pourreza, M Saadatmand-Tarzjan, N Eftekhari, FS Zargar, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-9, 2018
Vehicle recognition based on fourier, wavelet and curvelet transforms-a comparative study
FM Kazemi, S Samadi, HR Poorreza, MR Akbarzadeh-T
Fourth International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG'07), 939-940, 2007
Offline handwritten signature identification and verification using multi-resolution gabor wavelet
MH Sigari, MR Pourshahabi, HR Pourreza
International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (IJBB) 5 (4), 234-248, 2011
Fully automatic lung segmentation and rib suppression methods to improve nodule detection in chest radiographs
E Soleymanpour, HR Pourreza, MS Yazdi
Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors 1 (3), 191-199, 2011
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Articles 1–20