Michelle Delcourt
Michelle Delcourt
Toronto Metropolitan University
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Improved bounds for randomly sampling colorings via linear programming
S Chen, M Delcourt, A Moitra, G Perarnau, L Postle
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2019
Locating a robber on a graph via distance queries
J Carraher, I Choi, M Delcourt, LH Erickson, DB West
Theoretical Computer Science 463, 54-61, 2012
Reducing linear Hadwiger's conjecture to coloring small graphs
M Delcourt, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01633, 2021
Finding an almost perfect matching in a hypergraph avoiding forbidden submatchings
M Delcourt, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.08981, 2022
Intersecting families of discrete structures are typically trivial
J Balogh, S Das, M Delcourt, H Liu, M Sharifzadeh
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 132, 224-245, 2015
Progress towards Nash-Williams' conjecture on triangle decompositions
M Delcourt, L Postle
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 146, 382-416, 2021
The typical structure of intersecting families of discrete structures
J Balogh, S Das, M Delcourt, H Liu, M Sharifzadeh
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 132, 224-245, 2015
On the list coloring version of Reed's Conjecture
M Delcourt, L Postle
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61, 343-349, 2017
The limit in the (𝑘+ 2, 𝑘)-problem of Brown, Erdős and Sós exists for all 𝑘≥ 2
M Delcourt, L Postle
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 152 (05), 1881-1891, 2024
Rapid mixing of Glauber dynamics for colorings below Vigoda's threshold
M Delcourt, G Perarnau, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.04025, 2018
A combinatorial method for connecting BHV spaces representing different numbers of taxa
Y Ren, S Zha, J Bi, JA Sanchez, C Monical, M Delcourt, RK Guzman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.02626, 2017
Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes
M Bonamy, M Delcourt, R Lang, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.14944, 2020
A short nonalgorithmic proof of the containers theorem for hypergraphs
A Bernshteyn, M Delcourt, H Towsner, A Tserunyan
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 147 (4), 1739-1749, 2019
Refined Absorption: A New Proof of the Existence Conjecture
M Delcourt, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17855, 2024
The Glauber dynamics for edge‐colorings of trees
M Delcourt, M Heinrich, G Perarnau
Random Structures & Algorithms 57 (4), 1050-1076, 2020
Clique Decompositions in Random Graphs via Refined Absorption
M Delcourt, T Kelly, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17857, 2024
The limit in the (k+ 2, k)-problem of Brown, Erdos and Sós exists for all k≥ 4
M Delcourt, L Postle
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.01105, 2022
Taking the Convoluted Out of Bernoulli Convolutions: A Discrete Approach.
NJ Calkin, J Davis, M Delcourt, Z Engberg, J Jacob, K James
Integers 13, A19, 2013
Discrete Bernoulli convolutions: an algorithmic approach toward bound improvement
N Calkin, J Davis, M Delcourt, Z Engberg, J Jacob, K James
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139 (5), 1579-1584, 2011
Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes
M Bonamy, M Delcourt, R Lang, L Postle
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 165, 68-96, 2024
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