Prof. khellil sefiane
Prof. khellil sefiane
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Cited by
The strong influence of substrate conductivity on droplet evaporation
GJ Dunn, SK Wilson, BR Duffy, S David, K Sefiane
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 623, 329-351, 2009
Experimental investigation of the effect of thermal properties of the substrate in the wetting and evaporation of sessile drops
S David, K Sefiane, L Tadrist
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 298 (1-2 …, 2007
Stick–slip of evaporating droplets: substrate hydrophobicity and nanoparticle concentration
D Orejon, K Sefiane, MER Shanahan
Langmuir 27 (21), 12834-12843, 2011
Patterns from drying drops
K Sefiane
Advances in colloid and interface science 206, 372-381, 2014
On the effect of Marangoni flow on evaporation rates of heated water drops
F Girard, M Antoni, K Sefiane
Langmuir 24 (17), 9207-9210, 2008
Experimental study of evaporating water–ethanol mixture sessile drop: influence of concentration
K Sefiane, L Tadrist, M Douglas
International journal of heat and mass transfer 46 (23), 4527-4534, 2003
Contact line motion and dynamic wetting of nanofluid solutions
K Sefiane, J Skilling, J MacGillivray
Advances in colloid and interface science 138 (2), 101-120, 2008
On the lifetimes of evaporating droplets
JM Stauber, SK Wilson, BR Duffy, K Sefiane
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 744, R2, 2014
Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Contact Line Stick−Slip Behavior of Volatile Drops
JR Moffat, K Sefiane, MER Shanahan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (26), 8860-8866, 2009
On the effect of the atmosphere on the evaporation of sessile droplets of water
K Sefiane, SK Wilson, S David, GJ Dunn, BR Duffy
Physics of fluids 21 (6), 2009
Two-phase flow instabilities in a silicon microchannels heat sink
D Bogojevic, K Sefiane, AJ Walton, H Lin, G Cummins
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 30 (5), 854-867, 2009
A mathematical model for the evaporation of a thin sessile liquid droplet: Comparison between experiment and theory
GJ Dunn, SK Wilson, BR Duffy, S David, K Sefiane
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 323 (1-3 …, 2008
Mechanisms of pattern formation from dried sessile drops
M Parsa, S Harmand, K Sefiane
Advances in colloid and interface science 254, 22-47, 2018
Self-excited hydrothermal waves in evaporating sessile drops
K Sefiane, JR Moffat, OK Matar, RV Craster
Applied Physics Letters 93 (7), 2008
On the formation of regular patterns from drying droplets and their potential use for bio-medical applications
K Sefiane
Journal of Bionic Engineering 7 (4), S82-S93, 2010
Nanofluids droplets evaporation kinetics and wetting dynamics on rough heated substrates
K Sefiane, R Bennacer
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 147, 263-271, 2009
Flow transition within an evaporating binary mixture sessile drop
JRE Christy, Y Hamamoto, K Sefiane
Physical review letters 106 (20), 205701, 2011
Effect of substrate temperature on pattern formation of nanoparticles from volatile drops
M Parsa, S Harmand, K Sefiane, M Bigerelle, R Deltombe
Langmuir 31 (11), 3354-3367, 2015
Dynamics and universal scaling law in geometrically-controlled sessile drop evaporation
PJ Sáenz, AW Wray, Z Che, OK Matar, P Valluri, J Kim, K Sefiane
Nature communications 8 (1), 14783, 2017
Wetting and evaporation of binary mixture drops
K Sefiane, S David, MER Shanahan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (36), 11317-11323, 2008
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Articles 1–20