Mingquan bao
Mingquan bao
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Dual-band coupled VCO
M Bao, B Albinsson
US Patent 8,125,282, 2012
A-Band 48-Gbit/s 64-QAM/QPSK Direct-Conversion I/Q Transceiver Chipset
S Carpenter, D Nopchinda, M Abbasi, ZS He, M Bao, T Eriksson, H Zirath
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (4), 1285-1296, 2016
Simulation of ocean waves imaging by an along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar
M Bao, C Bruning, W Alpers
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 35 (3), 618-631, 1997
A 21.5/43-GHz dual-frequency balanced Colpitts VCO in SiGe technology
M Bao, Y Li, H Jacobsson
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 39 (8), 1352-1355, 2004
First demonstration of surface currents imaged by hybrid along-and cross-track interferometric SAR
R Siegmund, M Bao, S Lehner, R Mayerle
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42 (3), 511-519, 2004
A 9–31-GHz subharmonic passive mixer in 90-nm CMOS technology
M Bao, H Jacobsson, L Aspemyr, G Carchon, X Sun
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 41 (10), 2257-2264, 2006
A new nonlinear integral transform relating ocean wave spectra to phase image spectra of an along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar
M Bao, W Alpers, C Bruning
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 37 (1), 461-466, 1999
A 24–28-GHz Doherty power amplifier with 4-W output power and 32% PAE at 6-dB OPBO in 150-nm GaN technology
M Bao, D Gustafsson, R Hou, Z Ouarch, C Chang, K Andersson
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 31 (6), 752-755, 2021
A 25-GHz ultra-low phase noise InGaP/GaAs HBT VCO
M Bao, Y Li, H Jacobsson
IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters 15 (11), 751-753, 2005
On the cross spectrum between individual-look synthetic aperture radar images of ocean waves
M Bao, W Alpers
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 36 (3), 922-932, 1998
Design of low phase-noise oscillators and wideband VCOs in InGaP HBT technology
D Kuylenstierna, S Lai, M Bao, H Zirath
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60 (11), 3420-3430, 2012
Oil pollution statistics in Southeast Asian waters compiled from ERS SAR imagery
J Lu, H Lim, SC Liew, M Bao, LK Kwoh
A 15 GHz and a 20 GHz low noise amplifier in 90 nm RF-CMOS
L Aspemyr, H Jacobsson, M Bao, H Sjoland, M Ferndahl, G Carchon
Digest of Papers. 2006 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated …, 2006
Spectrum efficient D-band communication link for real-time multi-gigabit wireless transmission
V Vassilev, ZS He, S Carpenter, H Zirath, Y Yan, A Hassona, M Bao, ...
2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, 1523-1526, 2018
A high power-efficiency D-band frequency tripler MMIC with gain up to 7 dB
M Bao, R Kozhuharov, H Zirath
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 24 (2), 123-125, 2013
A highly integrated chipset for 40 Gbps wireless D-band communication based on a 250 nm InP DHBT technology
S Carpenter, Z He, M Bao, H Zirath
2014 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), 1-4, 2014
Mapping oil pollution from space
J Lu, LK Kwoh, H Lim, SC Liew, M Bao
Backscatter 11 (1), 23-26, 2000
Measurements of the radar backscattering over different oceanic surface films during the SIR-C/X-SAR campaigns
M Gade, W Alpers, M Bao, H Huhnerfuss
IGARSS'96. 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2, 860-862, 1996
Ocean oil pollution mapping with ERS synthetic aperture radar imagery
J Lu, H Lim, SC Liew, M Bao, LK Kwoh
IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99 …, 1999
Low phase noise sub-1 V supply 12 and 18 GHz VCOs in 90 nm CMOS
H Jacobsson, M Bao, L Aspemyr, A Mercha, G Carchon
2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 573-576, 2006
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Articles 1–20