Malik Imran
Malik Imran
Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Cited by
Flexible architectures for cryptographic algorithms—A systematic literature review
M Rashid, M Imran, AR Jafri, TF Al-Somani
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 28 (03), 1930003, 2019
Architectural review of polynomial bases finite field multipliers over GF(2m)
M Imran, M Rashid
2017 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital …, 2017
Throughput/area optimised pipelined architecture for elliptic curve crypto processor
M Imran, M Rashid, AR Jafri, M Kashif
IET Computers & Digital Techniques 13 (5), 361-368, 2019
KaLi: A crystal for post-quantum security using Kyber and Dilithium
A Aikata, AC Mert, M Imran, S Pagliarini, SS Roy
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 70 (2), 747-758, 2022
ACryp-Proc: Flexible asymmetric crypto processor for point multiplication
M Imran, M Rashid, AR Jafri, M Najam-ul-Islam
IEEE Access 6, 22778-22793, 2018
Comparative Analysis of Flexible Cryptographic Implementations
MIARJ Muhammad Rashid
2016 11th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric …, 2016
Hardware design and implementation of ECC based crypto processor for low-area-applications on FPGA
ARJMR Malik Imran, Imran Shafi
2017 International Conference on Open Source and Technologies (ICOSST), 54-59, 2017
Towards an optimized architecture for unified binary huff curves
AR Jafri, MN ul Islam, M Imran, M Rashid
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 26 (11), 1750178, 2017
An experimental study of building blocks of lattice-based nist post-quantum cryptographic algorithms
M Imran, ZU Abideen, S Pagliarini
Electronics 9 (11), 1953, 2020
Lopez Dahab based elliptic crypto processor (ECP) over GF(2163) for low-area applications on FPGA
M Imran, M Rashid, I Shafi
2018 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies …, 2018
An open-source library of large integer polynomial multipliers
M Imran, ZU Abideen, S Pagliarini
2021 24th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic …, 2021
Side-channel trojan insertion-a practical foundry-side attack via ECO
T Perez, M Imran, P Vaz, S Pagliarini
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2021
Design space exploration of saber in 65nm ASIC
M Imran, F Almeida, J Raik, A Basso, SS Roy, S Pagliarini
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware …, 2021
Hardware design and implementation of scalar multiplication in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) over GF (2163) on FPGA
M Imran, M Kashif, M Rashid
2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies …, 2015
Ransomware attack as hardware trojan: A feasibility and demonstration study
F Almeida, M Imran, J Raik, S Pagliarini
IEEE Access 10, 44827-44839, 2022
An area aware accelerator for elliptic curve point multiplication
M Imran, S Pagliarini, M Rashid
2020 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2020
Exploration of hardware architectures for string matching algorithms in network intrusion detection systems
M Rashid, M Imran, AR Jafri
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on advances in information …, 2020
An optimized architecture for binary huff curves with improved security
M Rashid, M Imran, M Kashif, A Sajid
IEEE Access 9, 88498-88511, 2021
A low-complexity edward-curve point multiplication architecture
A Sajid, M Rashid, M Imran, AR Jafri
Electronics 10 (9), 1080, 2021
A 4-stage pipelined architecture for point multiplication of binary huff curves
M Rashid, M Imran, AR Jafri, Z Mehmood
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 29 (11), 2050179, 2020
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Articles 1–20