Gershon Ben-Shakhar
Gershon Ben-Shakhar
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Publication recommendations for electrodermal measurements.
DL 84. Boucsein, W., Fowles, D.C., Grimnes, S., Ben-Shakhar, G., Roth, W.T ...
Psychophysiology 49, 1017-1034, 2012
The validity of psychophysiological detection of information with the Guilty Knowledge Test: A meta-analytic review.
G Ben-Shakhar, E Elaad
Journal of Applied Psychology 88 (1), 131, 2003
Psychophysiologic assessment of aversive conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder
T Peri, G Ben-Shakhar, SP Orr, AY Shalev
Biological psychiatry 47 (6), 512-519, 2000
Theories and applications in the detection of deception: A psychophysiological and international perspective
G Ben-Shakhar, JJ Furedy
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
PTSD symptoms and cognitive performance in recent trauma survivors.
AY Brandes, B., Ben-Shachar, G., Gilboa, A., Bonne, O., Freedman, S., & Shalev
Psychiatry Research 110, 231-238, 2002
Standardization within individuals: A simple method to neutralize individual differences in skin conductance
G Ben‐Shakhar
Psychophysiology 22 (3), 292-299, 1985
Lying takes time: A meta-analysis on reaction time measures of deception.
K Suchotzki, B Verschuere, B Van Bockstaele, G Ben-Shakhar, ...
Psychological Bulletin 143 (4), 428, 2017
Gender differences in multiple‐choice tests: the role of differential guessing tendencies
G Ben‐Shakhar, Y Sinai
Journal of Educational Measurement 28 (1), 23-35, 1991
Society for psychophysiological research ad hoc committee on electrodermal measures. Publication recommendations for electrodermal measurements
W Boucsein, DC Fowles, S Grimnes, G Ben-Shakhar, WT Roth, ...
Psychophysiology 49 (8), 1017-1034, 2012
Memory detection: Theory and application of the Concealed Information Test
B Verschuere, G Ben-Shakhar, E Meijer
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in battered women: The mediating role of learned helplessness
N Bargai, G Ben-Shakhar, AY Shalev
Journal of Family Violence 22, 267-275, 2007
Memory detection with the C oncealed I nformation T est: A meta analysis of skin conductance, respiration, heart rate, and P300 data
EH Meijer, NK Selle, L Elber, G Ben‐Shakhar
Psychophysiology 51 (9), 879-904, 2014
Psychophysiological detection through the guilty knowledge technique: effects of mental countermeasures.
G Ben-Shakhar, K Dolev
Journal of applied psychology 81 (3), 273, 1996
Novelty and significance in orientation and habituation: a feature-matching approach.
I Gati, G Ben-Shakhar
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 119 (3), 251, 1990
A critical review of the Control Questions Test (CQT)
G Ben-Shakhar
Handbook of polygraph testing 103, 2002
Estimating the validity of the guilty knowledge test from simulated experiments: the external validity of mock crime studies.
D Carmel, E Dayan, A Naveh, O Raveh, G Ben-Shakhar
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (4), 261, 2003
Dissociations of personally significant and task-relevant distractors inside and outside the focus of attention: a combined behavioral and psychophysiological study.
N Gronau, A Cohen, G Ben-Shakhar
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (4), 512, 2003
Reciprocity and emotions in bargaining using physiological and self-report measures
G Ben-Shakhar, G Bornstein, A Hopfensitz, F Van Winden
Journal of economic psychology 28 (3), 314-323, 2007
Deception detection with behavioral, autonomic, and neural measures: Conceptual and methodological considerations that warrant modesty
EH Meijer, B Verschuere, M Gamer, H Merckelbach, G Ben‐Shakhar
Psychophysiology 53 (5), 593-604, 2016
The predictive validity of graphological inferences: A meta-analytic approach
E Neter, G Ben-Shakhar
Personality and Individual differences 10 (7), 737-745, 1989
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